Part 6

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💭 represents thoughts.
Friday, September 13, 2012.

Kunimi "It has already been a week since Miwa got into the car accident."

Kunimi "💭She has gotten better and was moved to a normal room, but she hasn't woken up yet."

Kunimi "💭Kageyama, however, has gotten much worse."

Kunimi "💭If Yuu or I don't get him food, he won't leave her side for a second to eat."

Kunimi "💭He also skipped school all last week."

Kunimi "💭We managed to make him go home to change only twice."

Kunimi sighs as he stares outside, ignoring the teacher's explanation.

Kunimi "💭We have to convince him to go home today and sleep there."

Kunimi "💭He has been only sleeping in chairs, these past days."

Kunimi "💭I will ask Yuu."

Kunimi "💭Maybe we can sleep over at Kageyama's place today if we succeeded at dragging him home."

Kunimi glanced at the board before he rested his head on the table.

Kunimi "💭Yuu will have to explain all this to me because it looks like we are solving the moon landing."

Kunimi sighs again before he looks at Kindaichi, who was asleep.

Kunimi "💭Well, shit, we are doomed."

Kunimi "💭Oh well."
Time passes slowly as Kunimi continues to glance between the alien language on the board and outside before the bell finally rings. All the students leave while Kunimi stays seated.

Kunimi "💭I don't want to move."

Kunimi "Ugh..."

Kunimi finally stands up unwillingly and drags his feet towards Kindaichi's desk.

Kunimi "Yuu."
Kunimi whispers near Kindaichi's ear as he shakes him.

Kunimi "Yuu, wake up."

Kunimi "Yuu, class is over."
Kindaichi "Hmmm..."

Kunimi "Come on. We have practice."

Kunimi continues to shake Kindaichi, but he doesn't bulge.

Kunimi "I will sleep too if you don't get up now."
Kindaichi slowly raises his head and rubs his eyes before standing up. He grabs Kunimi's hand and starts walking toward the gym.




After practice.

Kindaichi "Do you want to go to the hospital directly?"

Kunimi "No, I have something to do first."

Kindaichi "Oh."
Kunimi "I will meet you in the hospital."

Kindaichi "Okay."

Kunimi "Also...Mmm...can we stay with Kageyama today?"

Kindaichi "Yeah."
Kunimi "I want to try to convince Kageyama to go back home today."

Kindaichi "He won't agree."
Kunimi "I know, but I want to try."

Kunimi "It isn't good to sleep in a chair for so long."

Kunimi "Nobody knows how long people stay in a coma."

Kindaichi "Yeah."
Kunimi "..."

Kindaichi "I will get dinner for Kageyama, so don't get anything with you."
Kunimi "Okay."

Kunimi x Kindaichi x Kageyama || Haikyuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now