Feelings - 2

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Get onto the 2nd part of feelings. Enjoy reading.

The scene shifts to Aarohi's flat.

After getting back from abroad she had decided to work in another hospital. Eventually she stayed in nearby flat to the hospital. She had 2 reasons for that, mainly was that akshara and abhi would be frequent visitors to Goenka's house and Abhi wouldn't like her presence, secondly she knew that after akshara's departure she would be alone even more, atleast before marriage she had the opportunity of constant bickering, so rather being to be left alone she decided to stay away nearby and not too far from family.

Aarohi pov,
Mostly she choosed night duty, as she loved the night more than the day. Even though it was tiring she had enjoyed it. To her relief there was someone else who had took the chance to be around her. It happened unintentionally, after her return from abroad, Neil was the only option left for akshara to sneak out of house to meet Aarohi. Neil didn't deny and infact led to the newfound relation between aarohi and Neil. Initially it was the same fight later turned out to more revealing of each other's hidden life. She was happy.

Breaking from her trance, she took out the phone and scrolled through the pics that was recently taken. She stopped at the pic of hers and Neil. She zoomed the pic, unknowingly smile appeared on her face. But to her surprise, message poped out, it was of Neil's.

Neil : wassup ?
Aarohi : back home :)
Neil : food ??
Aarohi : yeah, you ??
Neil : yes. So no night duty ??
Aarohi : took a off
Neil : hmm
Aarohi : wat else? How is Akshara ??
Neil : did you forget that she had came to visit you just in the evening ??
Aarohi sheeply smiled and replyed back " ;) sorry....."
Neil : what happened to you?? Memory problem ??

She wanted to reply to him that in order to continue with chatting, she randomly asked him the question. She didn't wanted him to say a bye or catch u later and leave. Sleep was far for her today, so the only option left was him.

Suddenly she received his call.
Neil : hello ?? Are you there ??
Aarohi : yeah
Neil: then y weren't you replying back
Aarohi : that.....I was thinking about something
Neil : what is that something ??
Aarohi : Neil...... aren't you sleepy ??
Neil : nope I guess, because if I had I wouldn't be texting you silly girl
Aarohi : excuse me ???
Neil : what
Aarohi : am I a silly girl ??
Neil : Yes, you are
Aarohi : have you ever scene a girl like me, who is sensible, matured, beautiful and what more ......
Neil started laughing and said " you and sensible, beautiful ??? Really better change the mirror in the room, guess like you should have an idea about yourself.....
Aarohi : ha ha very funny.....bye
Neil : oyyyy don't cut the phone, I was kidding.....
Aarohi : I need to sleep
Neil : excuse me ???
Aarohi : not excused, now cut the phone....
Neil : oyyy... listen...I need a favor From you
Aarohi : wats that ??
Neil : for that you have to be present in front of the hospital sharp at 12:00 am..... don't want to hear any thing else...... good night!

Before aarohi could utter a word he cut the phone. She was pissed off. She wanted to know what he was planning. Now she have to take a day more off.

The next morning, at Birla mansion.
Neil : goodmorning everyone !
Others : goodmorning Neil !
By the time Abhira also joined them.
Neil : what happened bhai ?? You look lost somewhere..
Abhimanyu : nothing
Akshara : Neil, there is something that I want From you
Neil : tell me bhabi at your service
Akshara : I need to go to the temple today at evening. Will you take me ?
Neil : sure why not??
Akshara : but it's not near by, almost 4 hour journey is there.
Neil & others : What ??
Abhimanyu (angrily) : akshu, you are not allowed long travelling, so better stay here and pray.
Manjari : yes dear, it's risky
Akshara : but I need to go, please 🥺
Manjari looked at abhi
Abhimanyu : what is that you needed to go badly to the temple ??
Akshara : I can't tell you that.
Abhimanyu : then stay here.
Akshara started crying. She very well knew he couldn't stand for her tears. Abhimanyu got tensed up and went towards her.
Abhimanyu : it has become a habit for you, I can't agree and don't look at me with that face, I know you are not that too innocent.
He left to get ready, but stopped immediately when she blackmailed him.
Akshara : listen abhi, if you don't allow me then I would go to my house and wouldn't return back. So tell me what should I do.
He turned around to see she was standing at the front gate. He looked at others and controlled his anger knowing that she wouldn't back off from her demand.
Abhi : Okay then I will take you
Akshara : no...
Abhimanyu : y
Akshara : I need some peace while going and not overcaring and annoying nature, you would screw up my whole journey
Abhimanyu : oyy
Akshara : I know you are concerned but I want to have my own time.
Abhimanyu : fineee....Neil take her with you, but slow driving.
Akshara went and hugged him.
Abhimanyu : Neil are you listening ?? Neill??

Neil got out of the trance, and said " yeah bhai....what did you say ?? "
Abhi smacked his head and repeated the same. Neil suddenly said a no to their surprise. The thing that was going on in his mind was if he would agree to take bhabhi, he would probably have to slow down driving and get her safely back and forth to the house and it would be time consuming which he couldn't as he had asked aarohi to wait for him.

Abhimanyu & Akshara : why ???

End of part 2 of feelings.
Enjoy reading till I update the next part.

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