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"hhh... well... sorry... we didn't mean to ask that far.." Louis rubbed Jeongin's back, calming him down so he could focus on the problems they were facing.

"...well.. we understand.. then now, how do we reseal Mammon?? There are a lot of them.. just knocking them out seems difficult.. and where are we going to seal them?? leave them back to the Hill of Illusions? But how do you open a dimensional portal???" Chris immediately spoke his mind.

"According to that story, Nelchael defeated Mammon alone using Chriso Macairi. Sam, isn't that the spear you now use every time you fight?" Sky asked, patting Sam on the shoulder.

".. yes, the spear I have is the same.. but remember.. Nelchael is an Archangel.. A fighting angel from Heaven who is definitely many times stronger than me.. I'm just a small fragment of his offspring.." Sam replied Sky while scratching his hair. He felt that his strength and yellow Magia could not be equal to the strength of Nelchael, the Archangel with Golden Magia who had a duty as a demon slayer.

"Don't forget Sam.. we are by your side.. we will complete your strength to be equal to your ancestors.." Minho looked at Sam deeply. Confidence is the most important thing when facing problems.

"They've been sealed in the past.. it doesn't mean they can't be resealed.. it doesn't have to be the same way.. I'm sure there are other ways to seal Mammon .." Chris returned to spread positive words to convince his friends .

"Yeah.. you know I sealed Leviathan by repeating his seal spell in the past.. with the support of the Siren and Broken Compass in my hand.. Leviathan is back asleep in one of the deepest corners of Thalassas.. I'm sure this time we can also seal Mammon back anyways how.." Felix smiled with the confidence he carried. His experience of dealing with devils in the past would be of great use this time.

Chun.. chunn..." even Bokkie joined in cheering Stray Kids.

Suddenly from outside came the roar of the Foxes

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Suddenly from outside came the roar of the Foxes. Stray Kids spontaneously ran out of Jijitsuko jinja to see what was making them noisy.

".. JEONGIN-SAMA..!!! MAMMON SUCCESSFULLY DEFEAT OUR TROOP AT THE ILLUSION HILL AND IS FLYING TO THE SOUTHWEST...!!!" one of the badly injured Foxes reported his testimony. His fur was matted as blood dripped from between his mouth. It can be clearly seen that he has used his Magia to the end to fight Mammon.

"Flying to the southwest?? Where are they going?" Jeongin panicked and confused. He had faced various threatening dangers in Enn Vassili before but faced a Devil, he had never before.

".. guys.. come on.. let's go after them..." The Pegasus apparently still faithfully waited for the Stray Kids there and didn't feel afraid of Mammon at all. Their flying speed is always reliable, especially in critical situations.

"Jeongin, you go with Quincy first.. for a while, I will fly alone.. Sam, can you call Akiho to join us??" Sky said to Jeongin then turned to Sam so that Akiho was summoned and their pursuit of Mammon could be faster.

"No problem..." once again Skystar shone. Akiho who was far away in Asteria immediately flew to catch up with SKZ who was going to chase Mammon.

"Okay.. I understand.." Jeongin obeyed Sky's words. He climbed on Quincy's back and held on tight. Sam and Sky flew on their own wings while the rest were with the Pegasus. Stray Kids then flew into the sky, heading southwest to catch up with Mammon. On the way, Akiho followed. Sky then climbed onto his back and they chased faster than before.

 Sky then climbed onto his back and they chased faster than before

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STRAY KIDS - Enn Vassili | GO!: the Wings that Protect

English. STRAY KIDS-Enn Vassili | GO!: the Wings that ProtectWhere stories live. Discover now