Lexi shrugged calmly. "You don't have to—"

"No, I should," Nikita interrupted. "I live here too, remember? We'll make a day of it and then celebrate with a drink or five."

The idea made Lexi laugh. "Okay, I'm in. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"


Lexi shoved her feet into a pair of white running shoes before leaving her apartment. A cool breeze cut through the air as she walked from her place to Isaac's. She hugged herself in a feeble attempt to warm up, but it proved to be useless. She picked up the pace to get to her boyfriend's apartment complex.

But no sooner had she begun speed walking than she spotted Cassie just a couple of feet away. She was walking away from the complex. Lexi cursed to herself while slowing down.

Of course she lives in the same complex as Isaac, she thought. Can't say I'm shocked— it's one of the cheaper places to live near NYU. That's why Isaac and his buddies live there too.

Lexi swallowed hard as her heart rate went up. But she silently berated herself. She didn't want to be nervous about Cassie. It was instinct by now, but that didn't matter. Lexi didn't want to give her that satisfaction whatsoever. She steeled her eyes and pursed her lips as she carried on walking to the apartment complex.

It was only a few minutes later when the two women were closer than before. Cassie flashed a small smile. "Hey."

"Hey," Lexi replied without a second thought. She bit her tongue a moment later. Why did I even reply?

"How are you?" Cassie asked.

Lexi thought about telling her to fuck off but promptly decided against it. She wasn't in the mood to start any drama on her end. Given that Cassie hadn't freaked out on her yet this semester, there was no reason to give her one now.

"Fine," Lexi replied in a curt tone. "Sorry, gotta go."

She then waltzed away from Cassie without even saying goodbye. She didn't look back in case it triggered her enemy to lash out.

"I'll see you later," Cassie called out.

Lexi couldn't help but roll her eyes behind her back. Since when the hell had she cared about her? It made no sense whatsoever.

I don't wanna think about her, she thought as she shook off the awkward exchange. Thank God I'm spending the night at Isaac's.

A few minutes later, Lexi made it to Isaac's apartment. She made a mental note to not mention her encounter with Cassie; it wasn't relevant at all to him. Besides, Lexi had a sneaking suspicion that hearing about his ex-girlfriend and her antics had taken a toll on Isaac. He tried to not be annoyed whenever the topic came up, but Lexi noticed how tense he'd become whenever Cassie's name popped up in conversation.

Forget about Cassie. Isaac and I are gonna have a good time tonight, Lexi thought while knocking on Isaac's door.

Isaac answered a moment later with a wide smile on his face. "Hey, baby! Come on in."

Lexi entered the apartment and set her tote bag on the ground by the door. They shared a big hug and a tender kiss.

"It's colder than I thought it'd be out there," Lexi remarked as she took her shoes off.

"Yeah, it always gets real cold around this time of day," Isaac said.

Lexi drank in the sight of her boyfriend. He had on a white T-shirt and light grey sweatpants— an overall simple outfit. But she could see some muscles bulging out from his arms. They weren't obvious, but they were definitely there. She could tell he had shaved his face earlier today; it looked smooth and soft to the touch. His short, dark brown hair was neat and tame as opposed to messy. His dark brown eyes held warmth as he continued to smile. Lexi hugged him again, albeit tighter than before.

"God, I'm so happy to see you," she mumbled into his chest.

Isaac's chuckle was light-hearted. "And I'm happy to see you. I was about to order dinner if you're—"

"Are you okay if we skip to the best part first?" Lexi suddenly asked. She gently pulled at the hem of his T-shirt. "I really, really need you, baby. Like...right now."

"You don't have to ask me twice, babe," Isaac replied with a newfound devilish grin.

He took Lexi by the hand and dragged her into his bedroom while her laughter echoed throughout the apartment. Dinner could wait, but they certainly couldn't. They needed to engage in some hot sex right here, right now.

This is one way to enjoy a night in together, Lexi thought before she tuned out her surroundings. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Lexi's Final YearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora