Chapter 4

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Jay, Erin, Camille, and Trudy all walk into Voights office after knocking and he says come in.

H) what do you guys need?

J) well we came to tell you something.

H) what is it that you need to tell me I am a little busy.

E) well we came to tell you that I am pregnant.

Hank pushes Jay against the wall and starts to punch him.

Ca) Hank stop he did nothing wrong. He didn't do anything.

H) he got my daughter pregnant is what he did.

E) I do not care not what you do or say to me but I draw the line at Jay and this baby.

H) fine whatever just get out of my office

They all leave and go back to work. Intelligence did not catch a case so Voight let them leave early.

H) y'all can leave

Everyone) Yay

AR) paperwork is the worse

H) before you leave can I see Erin and Jay in my office

E) we will be right there, y'all can leave we will meet you at Molly's

K) ok see you there

J+E) what do you want

H) Y'all are fired

E) fine, I don't like working for you any how

J) me either

H) then get out of my office

They walk out of his office

E) should we still go to Molly's

J) sure but it is really up to you, you are the one that can't drink

E) lets go and I will get a club soda

J) then let's go

A/N- sorry this is so sort but the next one is going to be longer 

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