001 : first day

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libraries. endless waves of shelves and books and unknown works waiting to be collected and read. literature that sits and waits to be acknowledged by those who are in search of an escape from reality. an alternative for those who aren't happy with the way they're forced to live.

he loved libraries.

parks. green leaves and dew drops on grass and sprouting daisies. chatter and laughter of those who bring their children for a build up of memories. screeching swing sets and rocking play horses. monkey bars, slides, sprinklers, walking trails. the air is always fresh at the park, no autos or buildings or pollution.

he loved parks.

coffee shops. slow and mellow tunes that lace with the low volume of voices of students or business people accomplishing their works. the smell of brewing coffee and delicate pastries and sweets that intertwine with each other to create an aroma so appealing. the clicking of laptop keys and dings of the entrance door add on to the already pacifying sound.

he loved coffee shops.

he loved the simplicity of life, he loved how easy it was to make one's day with an innocent greeting or a cheeky smile or wave. he loved how joyous strangers were when he held doors open for them. he loved the world for the remnants of good that still lived.

eren loved so many things.

he mostly blamed his parents for it, as if it were a problem to be so full of love and not enough animosity.

his friends were grateful for him, grateful for his words of encouragement and charisma and nurturing way. he was the foundation, the steel rods, the cement that held the bricks in place.

meeting you was probably the greatest day of his life, because well, i have another person to love and care for.

your smile, your nose, your lips. so proportionate to your face–he kissed over them delicately as if he'd shatter you if he were too rough. your waist, your hips, your thighs, your legs. so velvety and plush under his percussions, he wasn't so gentle with those as he loved the expression on your face whenever he was harsh.

the sound of your voice would've cured him if you stood beside him a little longer. if you had a few more seconds together.

one thing about him was that he was the only person he didn't love.

six months before


"yes, ma?" eren calls back, still with his nose deep in a current favorite book of his, of mice and men.

"have you taken your medication today?" she's downstairs, stirring a wooden spoon into the hot chicken broth she prepared for dinner.

antidepressants, anti-anxiety and appetite medications. every day he took those happy pills, their mention is a reminder that without them his world is colorless and lifeless. he hated them for that reason, eren wanted to experience happiness and contentment and hunger on his own rather than depend on tablets created by lab rats.

"in just a minute! let me finish this chapter!" he huffs out a loud breath and closes the book shut. he slid it over his wooden desk, setting it just under the ray of sun that shines through his wide window.

itt a bright day summer day, the cicadas are riotous and the birds sing melodies in sync. the sound of nature is something he'd miss, so for that, he stayed. one more day.

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