Enmu x reader

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You're a demon now and you accepted that but what you couldn't accept was the feeding you didn't want to eat humans but you had to either that or sleep for two years so you decided to feed. You got on a train called Mugen or something like that but when you got on you were encountered by another demon 'lower moon one' you bowed down to him "I'm so sorry I didn't realize a moon was on this train please forgive my ignorance!" But all he did was chuckle and say "You're new don't be afraid I'm not going to kill you what's your name?" Shocked you couldn't reply at first until you rose up to see him 'wow he's good looking' you didn't get a good look at his face at first but now you caught yourself staring "Oh um (y,n) is my name might I ask for yours?" "Enmu" he said as he turned away. You blushed and hoped to see more of Enmu and little did you know, you would. Years past and you and Enmu became partners and grew somewhat closer and shockingly he never tortured you despite him being a sexual sadist when you asked him about it he just said "The way you kill and eat is enough pleasure for me as far as you're concerned" and went right back to torturing the poor conductor, his words that night left you heartbroken because he basically told you 'because I don't like you like that' so after he turned his back to you, you promised yourself that as far as Enmu was concerned you would lock up your emotions. More years have passed since Enmu told you he didn't see you like that and he noticed you becoming more distant from him, you didn't join him in terrorizing the humans or stargaze on the roof of the train anymore like you used to so he confronted you about it. Enmu choked you against the wall of the train and asked with hurt and anger in his voice and eyes "What the hell do you think you're doing getting distant like that!?" Tears pricked at your eyes and spat at him what you've been wanting to say for decades "You told me the way I kill and eat is enough for you which directly translated to that you don't see me as entertainment and it hurt me because I love you Enmu!" By the time you stopped yelling at him tears were streaming down both of your faces. Enmu let you go and left the car you were in moving to a different one to let out his emotions. "FUCK!" He yelled as he banged the walls of the next car over from you, he was mad that he hurt you which wasn't like him normally he'd put other beings including other demons through such pain they would be scared of him afterwards but he couldn't bring himself to do it to you, he couldn't bear the thought of you crying and being in pain in fact it hurt him to even think about it, he wiped off his tears and turned around only to face you "(y-y,n)". While you were in the other car you heard Enmu bang his fists and yell. You hated hearing that so you decided to go to the car he was in. "Enmu are you alright?" He didn't respond, instead he sniffed and asked "Can demons love and be loved too?" This shocked you. In all the years you've known Enmu he never asked such a question "Well I love you and I am loved by you so I guess so why?" No sooner than you finished speaking Enmu ran up to you and started crying into your shoulder "B-because I *hic* can't stand t-the thought *hic* of y-you hurting because o-of m-me." You hugged Enmu and comforted him. You hated to admit it but a part of you had been waiting for this night for decades and it finally happened. Centuries past and you and Enmu were dating, the two of you couldn't have been happier,until four demon slayers climbed on board the train. "Enmu please be careful" you whispered and kissed him as the plan set into motion.*timeskip* The demon slayer Tanjiro and Inosuke were battling Enmu and you couldn't be more worried. 'Screams? Oh no that's Enmu' you thought as you raced towards the head of the train. When you got to the head you saw the demon slayers doing their best to slay your boyfriend that's when you snapped "STAY AWAY FROM HIM" you yelled as you ran to block them from Enmu "it's another demon" the one called Tanjiro said "Stay away from Enmu you bastards!" "Why are you protecting him? He turned you into a demon." "I wanted to become a demon. I'm protecting him because I love him, and I'll be damned if I let the likes of you so much as lay a finger on him!" You growled showing your fangs. "Kamaboko, let's end them already." The one called Inosuke yelled. That was the final straw for you so you cut your vein with your nail and called out "BLOOD DEMON ART POISON NOOSE!" Your blood became ropes and the ropes tied into two nooses which wrapped around their necks tightly. Before you could kill them a hashira came so quickly all you could see was a blur of red flames. "Enmu we need to get out of here!" You shouted at your boyfriend who was somehow badly injured "But master muzan." "Forget him for right now" you called as you picked him up and carried him far enough away that no one, not even a hashira, could find you easily. "Enmu are you alright?" You asked with a worry filled voice "Yea I'm fine damn that hurt." You found a spot for you both to hide during the day until. "Master Muzan has summoned the both of us." Fear filled your whole body and you couldn't move "H-he has s-s-s-summoned b-both of us?" Enmu nodded and took your hand as the two of you walked to Kibutsuji. "You failed Enmu you as well (y,n)." Muzan yelled at the both of you "You will pay for your failure." he said as tentacles lifted both you and Enmu into the air, Enmu was in pain despite him being a partial masochist as well "Please stop you're hurting him." you managed to choke out "Oh you're more worried about him than your own life, interesting let's see how much it will take before you beg." It was a trick demons don't beg unless it's to their master in order to spare their life. Muzan dropped you and proceeded to wrap the tentacle around Enmu's leg and squeezed it till it broke, your lover's screams was all you could hear so you bowed down and shouted at the top of your lungs "I'M BEGGING YOU MASTER PLEASE STOP!" The room went silent so you feared that your master killed Enmu but you didn't dare to look "hahahahahahahaha how pathetic I barely did anything and you threw yourself on your knees begging I'm feeling nice today so leave before I change my mind." He ordered as he threw Enmu out of the building you were in. You ran outside after Enmu and found him unconscious 'He must've landed on his head' you thought as you picked him up bridal style and ran back to y'alls house. Enmu woke up confused and in pain which he didn't like at all, he looked at his leg which was bandaged up then at his torso which was covered in one giant bruise, and finally he noticed he had a wicked bad migraine "(y,n)" he called out "Are you there?" He yelled before his migraine basically attacked him "shit" he whispered as he held his head. You walked in with a fresh kill and noticed Enmu up "Oh thank goodness you're awake here." You whispered loud enough he could hear but quiet enough that it wouldn't bother his headache and laid the body on his lap. "You need to eat" you whispered and got behind him "Thanks babe" he mumbled as he started to eat. When he finished Enmu laid back on top of you and sighed a small sigh of relief as you massaged his head "I hate seeing you like this baby" you whispered "Stay with me please." Enmu pleaded. You hated seeing him miserable like that so you nodded and cuddled beside him being careful of the bruise that was mostly gone now "Thank you." he whispered before going to sleep. Weeks passed and Enmu's injuries had healed and the two of you were quite happy. One night the both of you decided to go to a nearby village to enjoy the moon festival when, "I-I'm so sorry" a little girl whimpered when she bumped into you and ran to hide behind you when she heard "Come back here you little shit!" Yelled a man you believed to be her father "What is the problem here?" Enmu asked the man as you guarded the little girl "Apologies for the inconvenience but give me back my slave of a daughter" that pushed you over the edge "SLAVE? SLAVE! EXCUSE ME SIR BUT THIS LITTLE GIRL WILL NO LONGER BE LIVING WITH THE LIKES OF YOU BLOOD DEMON ART BLOOD BOIL!" You shouted as the man's blood started to bubble soon killing him. You and Enmu went back to your house with the little girl who had fainted. The little girl woke up to her savior's shadows from the other room having a conversation so she decided to listen in "Enmu we can't just kill her she's so young plus I've always wanted a daughter." "Yes we can (y,n) master doesn't care about age he just kills them." "Well you're not him, come on, we can be a family together." But Enmu just walked away to the other end of the house leaving you to your own actions. You sighed and opened the door to see the little girl "Well hello there don't worry I'm not going to hurt you." "What are you going to do to me?" A kind expression covered your face and you stroked her hair. "Hopefully I can make you our daughter." The little girl smiled a bit at the thought of a new family one who loves her "But what about?" She motioned towards the door Enmu stormed out of "Oh don't worry about him he's just a bit crabby." The joke made the two of you laugh "What's your name, little one?" "Sana." You smiled and patted her head. "Nice to meet you Sana, you can call me mom." Sana nodded and hugged you. Days past and Enmu was still reluctant about Sana and even yelled at you when you told him to go ask master "Ask him (y,n) are you nuts you remember what happened when we were last over there fuck I still have a scar and I'm a fucking demon." "Look Enmu he allowed Rui to have a family and he was a lower moon than you so go ask or I will." Enmu groaned and left to go talk with master "Mom, is everything going to be ok?" You sighed and brought Sana to her room "Yes baby everything will hopefully be ok" you told her whispering the "hopefully'' part now that your worry and unending love for Enmu came back. Hours went by and Enmu hadn't come back yet and you were starting to get worried as painful memories of your last encounter with your master went through your head "I'm back and he said yes." You heard Enmu call out from the other end of the house "Oh thank goodness you came back safely" you called out as you hugged him which surprised him to say the least considering the two of you hadn't so much as said 'I love you' to the other since Sana came along "Here I'll go get a dish we can combine our blood in." Enmu said as he broke the hug. The three of you sat in the dining room with a body on the table so Sana could eat when she became a demon, you and Enmu cut your veins and put a small amount of blood in the dish, "The transformation will hurt Sana but in the end you'll be our daughter." You told Sana as you pushed the blood towards her. Sana drank the blood and she gasped as the transformation took place, not long before it was finished you peeled off her human face which revealed her new demon one which had Enmu's markings on the right cheek and his eye on the right eye, your eye and markings on the left. Enmu showed her a mirror and Sana was ecstatic, she began eating her first human which you documented as you did with meeting her and her transformation that way you could have 'home videos'. Years past and you had the perfect family, well as perfect of a family of demons could be.

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