"Wow, someone's feeling snappy today. But no, I just wanted to come up here to check on you, you know make sure you're not running away or planning all our deaths." Hmmm. So he doesn't buy the "poor girl was kidnapped and tortured all her life" thing. Too bad, could have been fun to mess with him a bit.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Keefe snorted. "You may have fooled everyone else with your little innocent charade, but they weren't the ones who talked to you in your cell days ago. They didn't see how committed you are to the Neverseen. I tried to get you to come to the right side, but you don't even care that what they're doing is wrong, do you? You're just as bad as them. Tell me, have you ever killed someone for them? Tortured for them? Stolen for them?" His voice was fierce, like it was meant to hurt but I didn't even blink. He doesn't know enough about me to hurt me.

"You know, it's funny. You were meant for the Neverseen yet here you are, working for the Black Swan. does it keep you up at night, wondering how your mother feels about you? How she only sees you as a science experiment? How she'll never see you as her son, only her creation? Or maybe It's more on how your dad feels about you-" I'm cut off by him storming up to my bed, where I sit up to meet him face to face.

"You don't know anything about that."

"I know more than you would think."

He seems to be having a mental fight with himself on whether or not it would be worth it to fight me right now. His goody-two-shoes side must have won because he looks away from me and backs away slightly.

"I don't want to be your enemy. We're more alike than you would think, but hurt my friends and I won't stop until I get you back."

"Too bad, your friends seem like so much fun to mess with. The one with teal eyes seems especially interesting. I could do some real damage with her." I'm trying to get on his nerves. I'm not sure why, but that little spark in his eye when he gets annoyed is so easy to light.

"Why don't you feel anything? You just threatened to hurt a girl your age, and you don't even feel bad about it. Is this what they did to you? Made you into a monster? Or were you always like this? Hurting people for fun, just because you can. I know you enjoy making me scared of you because that's the only thing you know how to do. You'll never stop and think for a second about what it's doing to everyone around you as long as you get your way."

No. Hes wrong. I'm not like that.

He went on.

"And how dare you bring up my parents? You don't even know who your real parents are. No wonder they gave up on you when you were born, they could probably see what a monster you were from the start."




He's wrong. He doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster.

I repeated these words in my head to try and soothe the black rage tugging at my rib cage, but the word monster made me lose control even more for some reason.

I attempt to get a grip, shutting my eyes tightly, drowning out Keefe's words. It's all too much. I need to get back into control. This isn't me. Why am I so angry? Why can't I manage it?

Before I know it, my eyes are open and watching Keefe Sencen wither on the ground in pain.

Did I do that?

"Keefe? Where did you go?" A voice called from somewhere in the house. I cursed under my breath and jumped down from the comfortable bed.

"Stop." I hiss at him, but he doesn't seem to hear me.

"Look I'm sorry, just get up before they see you," I whisper harshly into his ear. He mumbles nonsense, seemingly completely out of it.

"Keefe? Keefe, you need to get up right now." I can start to hear footsteps along the hall leading up to my door.

If they see him like this, all of this will go away. Back to the small cell and no showers. Back to no escaping. I need to think of something, and quick.

I look around for something to hide him in and my gaze falls to under the bed. Hastily, I drag him by his feet under the bed, only having time to tuck his legs under and jump on the bed myself before someone peeks into the room.

I'm not sure who it was because I was pretending to be asleep, but whoever it was stepped into the room.

They walked around for a second. I prayed to anything and everything above that Keefe wouldn't wake up and make this look very, very wrong.

The person stood so close to the bed, I could hear their breath, but after a minute they walked out of the room, softly shutting the door behind them. I let out the biggest sigh of relief anyone has ever breathed out.

That was too close.

Heyyyyyy. So it's definitely been a minute (aka half a year) since I have written but schools drowning me rn. I'll see when I can update after all my SOLs and final exams are over but for now, I'll be taking a pause on my stories until all of that is over. (Also I might change this part completely or delete it so lmk if you like it or not) bye lovessssss <33333

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