9: Perennial Favourite

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In my experience, there are two kinds of children. I, as a kid, was the first kind. Ones that are too shy to trust someone new, let alone befriend them. My niece, however, was the second kind. Ones that easily trust new people, and fall into their arms too. Sure, she hesitated when she first saw me. But seeing how her uncles were being chatty and messy with me, she really, really fell into my arms.

Unlike mine, whose hair were long with unruly curls everywhere, Lucky's hair was very short and had smooth textures to her defined curls. When I was younger, I had similar kind. But they became less defined when, after a certain, I was responsible for my hair and not my mother.

Lucky's hair brushed my cheeks softly as she adjusted her back against my torso. Her small frame was as if made to fit against me. She tucked her hands under her head and stared excitedly at the TV where Ishan had put a decent movie. I draped a thin blanket over us and put my hand gently over her sensitive body, and then tucked my chin over the top of her head. Sure, I loved kids. But this adoration towards my new and I hoped, only niece, was something more, something solid and real. I felt like she had me wrapped around her pinky and it didn't bother me once.

According to my brother Ishan, movie nights were more or less forbidden in this house as Venky hated when his daughter's bedtime was messed with. But because the next day was a Sunday, and I was a special guest at the apartment, an exception was made. I felt slightly uncomfortable that these adjustments were done because of my presence. Though, it was buttered up by the calm ambience that was created by the dim lights and the constant jokes from the movie. My brother's loud laughter included.

Robbie was sitting on the arm chair by our head and Ishan found himself comfortable at the end of the sofa and had pulled my legs over his lap. Again, he busied himself with junk food and refused to share it with any of us. Not that I was a fan of eating after dinner anyway.

''I looooooooove this movie.'' Lucky giggled, raising her head back to catch my eyes. She would do that a lot, addressing me with small stuff. To get my attention, I suppose. And I was ready to give all the attention I had to her. Who wouldn't? Her energy was contagious.

''I also like this movie a lot,'' I smiled at her twinkling eyes.

''it's an old one,'' said Ishan lazily.

'' A classic perennial favourite,'' Robbie agreed with a shrug.

''peri, peri, what?'' Lucky giggled, looking at Robbie, and I couldn't suppress the loud chuckle. She was funny.

The said brother of my mine looked at Lucky with pure adoration and breathed out a laugh. ''Perennial. It means never dying.''

''Like ants?''

''what?'' Ishan spoke, distracting himself from the movie for once. ''Who said ants don't die?''

''They don't,'' Lucky turned on her back so that she could make eye contact with him. ''Unless someone kill them, they don't.''

''That's...'' Ishan wondered. ''wait, is that true?''

''yes!'' Lucky yelled. ''you can ask Lilly.'' she turned to look at me. ''Lilly is my friend from school.'' and I stopped myself from correcting her at how she miss pronounced friend as 'fend'.

''is she your age?'' I asked. Lucky nodded. ''she must have been mistaken. No living thing lives forever.''

''that's right,'' confirmed Robbie, very little engaged in our conversation but in the movie.

Lucky nibbled on her lip and looked at me and at Ishan in curiosity. As the former was already lost in the movie, she turned to me. ''did she lie?'' I shook my head. ''then I must tell her that she's not right. Or else we'll all be not right.'' I smiled and nodded. ''Ants not live forever. '' she repeated under her breathed, as if was memorising it, and then switched to her initial position with her back to me and continued watching the TV again.

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