19. Definitely not sober yet!

Beginne am Anfang

I reached the bus stop and saw someone dozing off, It was Lim ju gyeoung, usually, whenever I looked at her even from afar, a smile instantly braced my lips because I felt happy but it didn't happen this time, I only felt a hollowness, sorrow, longing, she's not single anymore, she's dating Lee su ho now maybe that's the reason behind this sudden change. I walked up to where she was sitting and sat next to her, her head was sort of dangling as she slept. Suddenly I felt a certain weight on my shoulder, Lim ju gyeoung rested her head on my shoulder in her sleep and my heart started pounding, 1...2....3.... seconds passed. All I could hear was my thumping heart

but then, the sound of my beating heart was replaced by something else, A voice "I don't want you to get hurt" is she(Hwang Ji ah) turning into the voice of my conscience? and then my heart stopped pounding. I moved my shoulder away causing Lim ju gyeoung to wake up from her slumber. She wiped her face "Sorry, I ruined your blazer," she said and tried to wipe my blazer, touching it with her hands but I backed away automatically, I didn't want any kind of contact.

Lim ju gyeoung: Why are you here?

Han seojun : To take the bus to school

Lim ju gyeoung : You are not riding your bike anymore? Are you not riding it because I asked you to?

The events that happened when I attempted to drive my bike just a couple of minutes ago, played before my eyes and I stood up like a needle was sticking out of the bench, poking my butt. My eyes wide open with realization, "I think I'll jog to school" I told Lim ju gyeoung and ran away "I must be going crazy" I ran all the way to school, I looked so classy when I zoomed into school on my bike, all heads turning towards my grand entrance but right now I came in panting like a dog "How uncool" I strolled further, taking my time to ease my irregular breathing, scrolling through my phone when I heard Hwang ji ah's voice, "Not again!! I must be hallucinating, I think I'm still not sober yet. Yes! That's the only possible explanation for all this" I told myself, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath but when I opened them and SHE was standing before me, looking up at me with a goofy, witty smile on her face "Someone got high last night" she said, her eyes shining with mischief and I couldn't help but stare,

 Yes! That's the only possible explanation for all this" I told myself, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath but when I opened them and SHE was standing before me, looking up at me with a goofy, witty smile on her face "Someone got high last n...

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her hair was open framing her face and swaying in every possible direction, the light was falling on them but it didn't turn them lighter, on the other hand, her jet black hair shined even more under the sunlight. , she has dark brown eyes, almost turning black but now with the sunlight kissing them, they looked golden

I noticed that she was not wearing any eyeliner and her eyes looked so warm and lively they stole all my words away "Did she do it because I asked her to?" I didn't realize that I was ogling until I heard my name being called.

"Yah! Han seojun" Kim chorong said as he ran up to them, he looked like he would cry any second "Where were you yesterday huh? Do you know how worried I was? he kept whining for no reason "Yah! Kim chorong, stop being a drama queen" I was annoyed and he pouted at me "You won't get a friend like me you know, try to be grateful" He taunted me and I just ignored him. He greeted Ji ah and I looked at her and then looked away immediately, I could feel the touch of her lips against my cheek from last night, "Kim chorong! Do you wanna get drunk without getting any alcohol?" She asked him and I gave her that shut-up look but in vain. " Is that possible?" Kim chorong asked her with excitement "Oh ofcourse! all you have to do is cough" she told him but her teasing eyes were still on me. I just rolled my eyes and walked away leaving those two together. "Leaving her with Kim chorong is the best revenge" I smirked and gave myself a pat on the back as I walked to the classroom. ( Someone tell him, that we love Kim chorong_)

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