Rest In Peace, Little Orange

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"Who else? I trust you, Itadori."

Taken aback, Yuuji could only stare at his best friend. Well, that was the last thing he expected. You were the one who got worked up in the first place, Itadori. Of course, this was bound to happen.

Deep inside of his mind, he was silently praying the heavens above that the dark-haired male to do him the favour. In contrast to his clumsiness and disoriented lifestyle, Megumi unquestionably was a better pet owner.

When the words slipped out of his mouth — Yuuji knew better than to detest further. He finally convinced the taller on his mission, he even offered cat food for fuck's sake! Cat food budget alone was outrageous, he recalled seeing their price tags at the supermarket, so the least he could do was take good care of them.

Yuuji peered over the cats, wondering what their take on this was. Part of him regretted doing so, those fur balls were watching him in anticipation, their tails wagging for his answer. The sight of it was unbearably cute, it took every ounce in him to not cuddle them.

They're going to be the death of me.


The pink-haired male gulped. This was his second time assigned a huge responsibility as this — taking care of animals. Not that he had zero experience, in fact Yuuji has a record of getting a pet once.

Little Orange.

Yuuji still remembers it clearly as if it was yesterday.

He'd hate to admit it, but he wished his past self would've been cautious in handling the poor goldfish.

Yes, his beloved who he'd accidentally murdered was a goldfish. I should be behind the bars for doing my buddy like that. Little Orange may be a fish, but at the end of the day, it has a soul — fishes have feelings too!

Yuuji was nothing more than a five year old who still hasn't grasped the meaning of life.

All he knew was to have fun, play pranks on his neighbours until he lost track of time, chow down on food whenever dinner came and get lectured by his grandfather for his aggressive nature. It's not like he paid attention to his nagging anyways.

His old man, Itadori Wasuke, is a short-tempered individual. Most of the time, whenever he faced the music from him, he'd simply tune it out and continue his day. Despite some of his lectures that Yuuji disagreed with, the elder was a great parental figure.

The elder would bring him to places whenever he's on a business trip, bought toys for him and dragged him to festivals too! Summer festivals are one of the events Yuuji looked forward to and in that year, the elder brought him to one. What's a festival without the booths and games?

Wasuke held his hand as they detoured the place around. Sendai has never appeared much livelier, the buzzing sound of people and the aesthetic decorations was pleasing to his eye.

Just as they were about to reach the corner of the park, Yuuji caught a glimpse of a radiating fish tank displayed on the table. Each of the fishes had distinctive colours to them, he found himself in trance. He was never fond of fish, but his brain suddenly urged him to win one.

Yuuji let competitiveness overpower him.

The moving crowd itself was a challenge, so he mustered up some strength in him as he dragged them both to the booth. "Kid, why are we going this way?" His grandfather asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I wanna play this!"

The old woman in charge there beamed brightly at Yuuji as she briefly explained the rules and conditions to win. It's a piece of cake — you just have to shoot the dart and score the highest marks possible. Wasuke paid for the fee, slightly pissed by the fact he's wasting money and when the woman coaxed him to participate, he shot her a glare.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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