Kidnapped 2

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I woke up in a dark room... as I was scanning it, trying to understand where I was... "You finally woke up..", said a guy... he came in the room and turned on the lights. I was startled and closed my eyes... he came closer and looked at me up and down... "Let me call my hyungs... they'll be proud of me...", he said smirking and left me there... alone...
Time skip
I was looking in front of me, spacing out.. then I heard footsteps coming down... I looked towards the stairs and saw three guys.. one was the one that brought me here and the others two I didn't know who they were.. "Good job D.", said one of the boys... "Why am I here? Who are you? How long have I been here? Why-." "Can you shut up? You are giving me an headache.", said the smaller one, clearly annoyed. "Why should I? You can't tell me what to do or what not to do!" "Oh darling. You don't know what you're saying...", he said smiling mischievously... I was getting really irritated. "Tell me what do you want from me! TELL ME!", I said shouting, wiggling in my chair, still wrapped in the ropes. "We are asking you gently. Stop shouting. Or you'll face the consequences.", said the one in the middle.. "D, if you want you can go to the others..." said the small one... then he looked at me "We'll take care of her...", he said smirking... he nodded and went straight upstairs, without saying a word.. I looked at them, angrily... "Stop looking at us like that... we did it for you... you would have been... kidnapped and... well... raped.. by our worst enemies..."... I looked at them.. shocked and worried.. then... they helped me? No.. that's impossible.. I mean.. they still kidnapped me.. "Hey. Hey! Are you there?! Are you even listening?!" "What?!", I looked at them annoyed. "We were asking you... if you, by any chance... know one of them.. or them all..." "Well.. no.. I don't even know their names or their faces... why are you asking me?" "Nothing... nothing... well.. now we'll go upstairs and come back to you to give you some water and some food.. see you later", after they said that I was shocked "Wait!! Are you living me here like this?! Hey!! HEY!!!!" I sighed in frustration and closed my eyes. I was starting to get sleepy so I decided to take a little nap... as I was doing so, I heard footsteps coming downstairs, I looked up to see who it was and saw 4 guys coming towards me... "Hello there, beautiful" "What do you want?" "It was rude, you know that?", said one of them, leaning towards me... he was really close... not gonna lie.. he was handsome... no. Y/N, no. Don't get distracted.. you're kidnapped.. by a group of strange guys... "I-I.... I know... b-but I don't c-care..." "Oh.. you don't?" "No." "Then.. it's not a problem for you if we leave you alone...?" "N-no..." "Ok then.. you can forget about your food..." "What?? No no..! I-I'm sorry... I didn't want t-to be r-rude... please don't leave and let me e-eat... p-please.." I said, since I was starving... and I didn't want to be alone.. they smirked and one of them came towards me with a plate in his hand.. as I was taking it from his hand he took it away from me, making me look at him in disbelief. "But first you have to do us a favor..." "What?" I said annoyed... but I didn't want to show them... "You have to let us....", he looked at his friends, the nodded and he turned back to me... "Bite you..." before I could reply everything went black...

Author- Sorry if it's short, but I tried to make it more interesting... hope you enjoyed anyway!🙃

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