Chapter Seventeen : Painful Goodbyes

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It soon came the time to leave and journey down to the south, Lyarra was dreading this day and wished she could avoid and just stay but at last she couldn't for she would be Ser Jaime's wife soon

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It soon came the time to leave and journey down to the south, Lyarra was dreading this day and wished she could avoid and just stay but at last she couldn't for she would be Ser Jaime's wife soon.

She didn't want to leave Jon, Robb, Bran, Rickon or her mother behind, Jon was heading to the wall today along with Lord Tryion who wanted to see the grand big wall for himself.

As Lyarra was packing last minute stuff in her chests with the help of Samara, a knock on the door caused them to stop.

" Who is it " Lyarra called out.

" It's Jon can I come in " The white wolf asked wanting to see his sister before he took off, Lyarra turned to look at Samara asking for her approval the last week Samara and Jon haven't spoke with one another.

Jon may of been her brother but Samara was her best friend and she didn't want to take sides or cause any more complications.

" Lya, it's fine I'm okay speak to your brother " Samara said.

Lyarra nodded and got up opening the door letting Jon in, " Samara " Jon said with a soft whisper but the Sourceess just rolled her eyes and push past him leaving the room.

" What is it " Lyarra asked crossing her arms still upset at her brother.

" Please don't be mad at me " Jon mumbled looking down at the ground.

" I'm not I just wish things could be different I wish I wasn't going to the south, I don't want to leave Winterfell, I don't want to marry Ser Jaime " Lyarra cried out.

Jon signed and gather his crying sister in his arms trying to claim her down, " We grew up too fast " Jon mumbled.


              Sometime Later

Jon and Lyarra walked through the castle 's halls, now gloomy that they had to separate. The latter had not seen Bran since the  failed healing attempt. Jon had not visited his brother, fearing his roaring Trout of a stepmother. Lyarra had convinced him to visit, at least before he has to go to the Wall.

Both entered the room, surprising Catelyn a little. The matriarch was glad to see her daughter again, but she just had to bring Ned's bastard son in.

"We came to say goodbye." Lyarra stated.

"Hello Bran, I know you can hear us. Lyarra is going with Sansa and Arya to the capital and I, to the Wall." added Jon.

"I know being separated from the pack is hard,  but we will reunite soon. We just need to see the world." Lyarra continued.

Catelyn watched her daughter sadly. She wanted to apologize to her for how she acted all those years ago, but a voice inside her wanted something she to be known.

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