There were lots of thoughts roaming around her mind. She didn't want her father to move back to Manglore just after they had patched up their relationship. but she knew it was her father's wish to take care of their little farm that they had in Mangalore after his retirement. So, she respected his decision. Her father told her that she could visit him anytime there and it really gave her hope that her father was no more shutting her off.

And, then She needed to reconcile with her friends as soon as possible. This guilt was eating her up. She understood her friend's hurt reactions and she vowed to make things right between them as soon as her father's condition would be kicking.

Manik's PR team had already did the damage control of him being spotted in this hospital at the late hour the other night. The witnessed hospital staffs were already been contacted by his PR team and they had signed NDA forms for not disclosing any details of that night. In the hospital, her father's stay was documented as one of Aman's distance relatives.  So, the hospital staffs seldom tried to talk to her about Manik if by any chance she had met that Rockstar being Manik's manager's distance relative. She always denied for obvious reasons. But, it tired her mentally. She so wanted sometimes  to get this secrecy over, so that she could proudly announced her relationship with Manik.

" Ma'am, are we ready to leave? "
Her chain of thoughts were broken by her bodyguard Peters words.

She nodded and followed him towards the parking lot.

" Peters sir, thank you for informing Manik about the fiasco that night , also thanks a lot for taking care of my father.  I truly appreciate it. "
She told her bodyguard gratitudely who was about to ignite the car engine.

Peters smiled genuinely. He along with all bodyguards who were directly appointed for her safety knew how polite and down to earth was their boss's  lady love. She was their second boss afterall.

" Please don't mention this ma'am. It's my pleasure. " He promptly responded with a smile.

When they were on the way , she crossed one shopping mall and  she thought that she also needed few changes of clothes. The doctors had informed her that her father might be discharged by another three or four days. And, the two pairs of clothes that she had for her vacation were not enough. She thought to ask her bodyguard to stop by the mall but she changed her mind at the last minute as her mind was all over the places and hence, kept that necessary task for the next day.


It was the brink of the evening when she walked inside the washroom for a relaxing bath. The jacuzzi was tempting her to dip in. She was tired to the limb with everything that was happening from past two days. She was exhausted from both mentally and physically. She slowly entered into the hot tab and as soon as her tired body came in contact with the luke warm water, a relaxing moan escaped from her and she placed her head comfortably on the edge of the tub closing her eyes with a satisfactory sigh.

" This is cheating baby! "

She heard him, still eyes closed. And smiled softly. Eyes still closed in relaxation.

" You shouldn't be making such alluring musical notes when I am not around. This is called cheating. "

She didn't need to open her eyes to see him pouting whilst having that mischievous smile dancing on his beautiful chocolatey brown eyes.

She stretched her one arm toward his direction and Manik got the invitation indication clearly.

He discarded his cloths quickly and emerged into the tab behind her. She adjusted her body to welcome him , then leaned onto his chest. And, on his accord he pulled her more to him hugging from the back.

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