𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: The Train

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Shinsou scrolled on his phone aimlessly, the seat of the train shaking beneath him.

It was late in the afternoon and he was finally heading home after a long school day at UA High.

He couldn't wait to get home and knock out his homework so he could relax the rest of the evening.

He was tired, though that wasn't a new feeling for him with his insomnia.

The night pior he'd been up all night training with his dad and hadn't gotten a blink of sleep afterwards.

He was working really hard to make it up to the hero program at his school. But it was proving to be easier said than done.

For now he just let out a quite sigh and leaned back in his seat, resting his eyes and thanking any god that there was one empty.

Then the train stopped suddenly, jostling all the passengers.

Shinsou looked around at the other riders in confusion as murmurs began.

Then there was a loud beep as the intercom turned on and Shinsou's eyes shot to the speaker.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen! This isn't your conductor speaking. He'll be out for a little while. I'm here to inform you that you've been hijacked! Hooray! If I were you I'd be calling the cops."

Shinsou noticed how young the voice sounded.

People soon began freaking out. It wasn't long before the authorities had been called multiple times.

Shinsou stayed calm. That was one of the first things his father Aizawa had taught him.

"A panicked hero can't think straight. And a hero that can't think straight isn't a good hero" He recalled in his dads raspy voice.

Shinsou inhaled and exhaled slowly. Well it didn't seem like they were currently in any immediate danger.

All this hijacker had seemed to do so far was stop the train.

That's when the door at the front of the train opened revealing the culprit.

Shinsou was surprised to see a boy his age walk out.

He definitely matched the voice on the intercom but he certainly wasn't what you expected from the classic villian.

In fact, he just looked like some random teenager that shopped at goodwill.

Dirty white converses with black jeans and a plane white shirt.

He even had a coat that fell off his shoulders and lingered on his forearms.

His hair was a gold-blond and he had matching gold eyes.

But the most unique part of him Shinsou thought, was the lighting bolt in his hair.

"Alright" His eyes narrowed as he pointed a electric finger towards the crowd.

"Have any of you guys called the authorities?"

The train was dead silent, nobody wanted to be the one to admit they had.

The blond crept over to a man in a suit sitting in the front.

He held his hand right above the man's head, "Do I have to repeat myself?"

"Please don't! I have a wife and kids at home!" The man pleaded.

Finally Shinsou decided to step in, "The authorities have been called."

The electricity disappeared on the blondes hand and he pushed the man's head back a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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