Gatria subtly cleared her throat. "May I ask you something, Count Salas?"

Count Salas immediately gave his whole attention to the queen. "Of course, Your Highness!"

Gatria looked at The Count's eyes. "I am certain that you know about me and my relationship with the kingdom and your King, so I want to know... why are treating me so kindly, with so much reverence? I am your enemy, Count Salas. I may have healed your son and other people, but I am far from being benevolent. My grudge for the Kingdom of Treterra knows no bounds. I'm here to cause havoc in the kingdom's capital, Ager, and to have my revenge on your king and the nobles under him. Now tell me, am I still welcome in your residence?"

Gatria had to give it to The Count, he didn't falter at her threat and there was no change of emotion on his face when her essence relentlessly filled the room and the pressure had become unbearable that his whole family were trembling in fear behind him. The Count's body trembled at the pressure, but he stood his ground even when the pressure of Gatria's essence was robbing him of his breath.

Looking at The Count, who's holding his ground, what Gatria see was not fear, but determination as the Count Salas replied to her.

"Of course, Your Highness. Her Highness will always be welcome in our home. I will accept any punishment Her Highness bestow unto us." His whole family nodded as if agreeing with The Count. "Lord Treven has told us a small portion of what our race did to The Yther's Queens and I have no words to say to save ourselves. We deserve Her Highnesses' anger and if killing me and my whole family could appease even an ounce of Her Highnesses' fury, we accept it wholeheartedly. Though I implore of you, Your Highness, let the citizens of Belrac live. They know nothing of what happened in the past and present. They're only trying their best to survive and have a good life. Most of them doesn't know the history. Please, I beg of you, Your Highness! Spare them."

Gatria gracefully flick her wrist and the pressure from her essence disappeared in the room, much to everyone's relief except for Drago, who only felt an ounce of it, then Gatria closed her eyes and leaned back as if thinking deeply— though the truth was, she just feels exhausted because she was not used to dealing with good apples.

It was so much better when she considered all humans bad apples.

Letting out another sigh, Gatria opened her eyes and looked at the whole family in front of them who had now recovered from the pressure she emitted a few minutes ago.

They were scared, but they were willing to face my wrath for the people of Belrac.

Time to try the good apples, Gatria thought before she said, "I already decided to let the good apples live and it seems like you are all one of them, so I won't be taking your lives."

The relief of Count Salas' family was so palpable that Gatria actually felt amused.

"We will stay here in your home for a few days." Gatria declared.

"Of course, Your Highness!" Count Salas kneeled on one knee as if taking an oath and his whole family followed suit. "We will spare no effort in making Her Highness and her companions comfortable in your stay."

You don't really have to do that, Gatria thought, but decided to keep it to herself seeing how enthusiastic Count Salas and his whole family were.

"And I have a request."

"Anything Her Highness' ask, we will spare no effort to make it happen!"

Gatria couldn't sighing at The Count's excessive devotion. "Do not tell a soul that I am the Mistress of Nature."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"Good. And one more thing, could you bring me a sack of soil from the barren land?"

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by C.C.
Betrayed by the people she once loved, cared for, and protected, Quee...
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