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GATRIA DID NOT want to, but she was forced to sit on an extravagant and luxurious looking green high-backed chair with gold accent in the drawing room. Her companions were already sitting comfortably on their chairs and Treven was gloating at Gatria knowing how much Gatria disliked being put on a pedestal which was what was happening at the moment— starting with her chair.

Gatria took a deep breath and looked at Count Salas' family who were still prostrating in front of her even after she told them to stand up.

Seeing the frustration on Gatria's face, even Drago was smiling at her, amused at the scene.

Gatria glared at Drago, who stifled a chuckle before clearing his throat and helping Gatria out.

"Count Salas, everyone, raise your heads. You don't want to anger Her Highness, Queen Gatria." Drago told the people still prostrating in front of Gatria.

"But it is disrespectful...!" Count Salas said in response to Drago and his whole family nodded while still prostrating.

Gatria let out a sigh as she massaged her forehead. "Seriously... I won't ask twice. Raise your heads or I'm leaving."

"Yes, Your Highness!" Immediately, Count Salas and his whole family raised their heads to look at the queen their household revered.

The look they were giving her were full of reverence that was irking Gatria, but amusing to Treven seeing how much it irked Gatria, but she couldn't say anything against them.

"Introduce yourselves." Drago had to remind the Count Salas' whole family who had seemed forgotten the most common etiquette when meeting a royalty.

"O-of course...!" Count Salas slightly panicked that he took a quick glance at the queen to check if they offended her and when he realized that the queen seemed unperturbed at their blunder, he introduced his family in a trembling voice that he tried too hard to control. "Her Highness, this is my wife, Adelfa." Adelfa bowed her head. "My first born son, Salva." The handsome Salva bowed his head as he profusely thank the Mistress of Nature. "And my daughter, Salome." The beautiful Salome with beautiful long straight brown hair, bowed her head and thanked Queen Gatria for saving her brother and aiding her father.

"So," Gatria looked at the whole family rigidly. She hated humans and even if it were the good apples in front of her, she didn't know how to treat them other than be rigid and cold. "Why did you want to see me?"

Count Salas actually blinked at the queen as if she asked the most simple question. "As the lord of the town, this was the only residence fitting for Her Highness. Letting Her Highness sleeping in an inn as Lord Treven told me is downright disrespectful to Her Highness."

"I've slept in worse."

That made Count Salas closed his mouth and it silenced his whole family.

And seeing that, Gatria felt uncomfortable for some reason that she spoke again in a less condescending manner. "Though... letting us sleep here in your residence is much appreciated."

Seeing the brightness back on The Count's face and his whole family, Gatria eased up a little and when she saw how Drago smiled at her as if he was pleased, Gatria felt relieved for some reason.

She knew she was adjusting for these humans in front of her, but she couldn't seem to lash out her anger on them. After reading half of that journal, Gatria had come to realize that she couldn't possibly hurt the family of that man who had been so devoted to her. Because it seemed to her that that devotion had been passed down to his family.

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Betrayed by the people she once loved, cared for, and protected, Quee...
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