
Sh*tI cursed myself when she caught me staring at her

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I cursed myself when she caught me staring at her. Well,I couldn't do anything but stare at her when she was walking a few steps ahead of me with her fingers wound around the yellow duck we got earlier from the game arcade.Her chocolate hair was waving from one side to another showing off her blue dress as she walked. Her face was half covered by her  brown weaved hat and I wished I could see more. My face was heating up as I stared at her. She looked pretty no matter where I looked.
Love is blind.
I glanced down at my clothes and realised that I should have dressed up a little more.A t-shirt and jeans might not do the work. Realising I was getting more conscious about my looks,I smiled shyly and ruffled my hair.
I hoped she didn't have any other men in her mind.

"Wanna get one?" Elaina asked, pointing at a corner as we entered the park.I covered my hands over my eyes against the blazing sun to see what she was pointing at.
" Ice cream?"
" Yeah,you don't like it?"
" I do"
" Okay" She nodded, before walking over to the shop. Evening was the time when most people came to the park to relax and play. Some couples were holding hands and sitting under the trees while  kids ran all around the place giggling from time to time.Even the old people were talking and laughing. I often went to parks when I wanted to calm my mind or relax. It was the first time I was coming here with someone else other than my family.
"Which flavour, Edward?"Elaina asked, handing me the flavour list.
" Butterscotch," I said, trying to remember the last time I had Ice cream.
" If you don't like it, you don't have to get one" She reminded me.
" It's ok, I want one",I smiled sheepishly. It wasn't that I didn't like them,it was just that I was ashamed to eat it being an adult. But Elaina didn't even bother to check what others would think about her.
She ordered a chocolate flavoured one and I bought a cotton candy along with the ice cream.
"It is just that I am a little embarrassed to eat ice cream in public,we are grown ups, right?" I informed her, smiling in an embarrassed way.
Elaina giggled and licked her ice cream in a way I found it absolutely adorable. Rather than concentrating on my ice cream I found myself staring at the way her lips moved as she ate it. I didn't know whether it was sexy or cute considering the fact that love was blind. Feeling my face heat up,I tried to concentrate back on eating mine.
" Put your hat back in the bag or you might lose it " I advised,seeing her struggling to hold everything in her hand.
" Can you hold this for me ?" She asked, handing her ice cream.
" You sure I won't eat it?" I teased her.
" You won't dare to, right?" She looked up at me with a raised eyebrow.
Without the hat on her head,I could see her face properly. Especially her brown eyes.
God must have used the same colour to paint her eyes and hair.
I acted like I was going to lick her ice cream and she grabbed my hand and tried to take it back. I laughed and raised it up so that she couldn't reach up to it.
" Edward!" She laughed, jumping to get it.
" You are really tiny" I teased to see her reaction.
"I am not", she scowled."It's just that you are a giant"
"Wow, really?"
"Give it back, Edward! People are looking!" She tugged at my shirt like a little angry kid  and bounced up to reach my hand.
" I do not wish to "
Realising she wouldn't be able to take it back,she grabbed my cotton candy stick and took a big bite of it.
" That's mine" I exclaimed.
She giggled,using the opportunity to grab back her ice cream from me.
She looked so funny and pretty at the same time she laughed and I couldn't hold back myself from laughing as well.Staring at each other we laughed like nothing else mattered.
Forcing myself back from kissing her was quite hard but somehow I bit back the instinct.
I don't want to lose her.
"Ouch, it's melting," She said, glancing at our icecreams.
" It's getting hot" I stated, eating it.
"What's next?" I inquired.
"Absolutely no idea", She shaked her head .
I leaned against the railing and throwed my head back.The sun was blinding my sight and burning my face. Sighing,I raised my hand and held it against my face to block the sunlight. Anyway it was far better than a normal working day.
" HEY,MY BAG!!!" I was taken aback by Elaina's sudden  scream.
"He has taken my bag!!!!" She stated before beginning to run after a guy in a black hoodie and a cap. That's only when I saw him clutching Elaina's bag.
" Fuck!" I swore before running after both of them. The thief was pretty fast but she seemed desperate to get her bag back seeing the way she ran. I knew that I shouldn't be laughing right now but I found the whole situation pretty funny.
She jumped over the railing.
We ran through the crowd making our way through the startled tourists.
I heard some of them swearing at us and then going back to minding their own business.
" Elaina, check the signal!" I instructed her.
" He is getting away," She hissed." STOP RIGHT THERE YOU PUNK!"
She shouted at the top of her lungs and ended up catching the traffic police's attention. It caused him to notice the guy running with a ladies bag and he also began running after him.
To our utter surprise the guy threw back the bag and ran for his dear life. I caught a glimpse of his face under the hoodie when he turned back. What surprised me was he looked no more than 15.
Kids these days.
The officer picked up the bag and passed it to Elaina who checked if anything was lost.
"Be careful lady,Especially,since it's the tourist season.Also the season of theft. Just close your eyes for a second and your wallet will be stolen." He said, addressing both of us who were struggling to catch some breath.
" Thank you so much,officer."Elaine thanked the officer and a bright smile appeared on his young face.
Something inside me sparked.
" No mention, its our duty" He responded before walking back to where he was early.

"That was ...—" I began.
" Funny, right?" She cut me off before beginning to laugh.
" Yeah,And we lost our ice creams!!!"
"Luckily we ate at least half"
" Anything lost?" I inquired, controlling my laughter.
"Nothing except the thief" She sighed." He hardly looked 16".
" Exactly! Kids these days.!"
"So that was a date?" I asked standing outside and holding the door open as she walked into her apartment building.
She looked back with a flushed face.
"W-what? Yeah, friends date"
" Really?"
" Of course,You were annoying" She scoffed.
" I don't think so" I chuckled.
She rolled her eyes and threw back her head in desperation.
" Edward,you are really annoying"
" I am honoured,my lady" I laughed. "Maybe not next time" I added.
" Next time?you sure?" Her brown eyes filled with suspicion and wonder.
" Yes,I am " chuckling,I winked at her and walked out.
Yeah,next time.
So what will happen next time?

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