"Alright," (Y/n) smiled, watching as her friend held the two pink antennas in his hands, sitting with Saiki's mom and brother. "This should help you Saiki. But, are those things just supposed to stick in your head?"

"It appears so," Saiki said, and stuck the antennas in his head "I do feel a bit of a pinch though. I'll probably get used to it the older I get."

"How are you feeling Ku?" Kurumi asked her youngest child, kinda hiding behind her oldest child.

"I'm not sure at the moment." Saiki shrugged his shoulders. "Is this supposed to take away my powers or what?"

"No no, it's only going to dampen your powers," Kusuke said. "To get rid of you powers is not something I'm able to do. Luckily this is the closest you're gonna get to normal."

"What's even considered normal anyways?" (Y/n) asked. She's been everywhere, so the word normal is not a word to describe anywhere she's been to. That's mostly cause of the different cultures and societies.

"Good question." Kusuke agreed.

"So, with this antenna, does that mean I won't be blowing up (Y/n)'s toys anymore?" Saiki asked, a little spark of hope was in his eyes. He was really hoping that he won't be blowing something up or making (Y/n) randomly float anymore. Of course, (Y/n) thought this was fun, especially the floating part. She could fly around the Saiki home, until she random.ly stopped and landed face first onto the kitchen table. She's fine.

"Yep!" Kusuke confirmed. "(Y/n)'s toys shall no longer be blowing up, unless you want them to. It will take some time for those devices to work at peek performance, so make sure you don't use your powers at all for a few days."

"Whatever," (Y/n) said, and grabbed Saiki's hand and started dragging him towards the door. "Come on! I wanna go get some sweets!"

"You're moving?!" (Y/n) asked.

(Y/n) Suoh, now 15, was visiting Saiki for the last time before she had to fly to Canada for a movie she was casted in. She won't be playing the main character this time, but she will be playing the main antagonist. Usually (Y/n)'s roles have always been on the side that was considered good, but now, she's gonna be evil. Oh how happy she was to be getting an evil character.

"I had another accident," Saiki explained, using his powers to make his clothes float into the boxes. "And I don't think the neighbors like hearing the chaos that goes on because of it. We're moving into a house my brother got for us. I guess he is useful for something."

"Still mean to your brother as always," (Y/n) sighed. "But where are you going to be moving to?"

"Hidari Wakibara," Saiki shrugged, having his game consul and TV not put away in a big box. "I'm being enrolled into PK Academy, and I'll start attending there."

"So does that mean I have to drive further than normal?" (Y/n) lives in a richy rich area of Japan, which tend to be further away from the middle class area, where Saiki lives.

"Further, I imagine," Saiki said, using his powers to put some tape on the boxes. "Aren't you going to be going to Ouran? I know your uncle and dad had discussed that the last time I was over. I know your other uncles are thinking of sending you there."

"Yeah, that's the plan," The girl sighed, laying down on Saiki's bed, something he hasn't packed just yet. "I really don't wanna go. Rich people can be just as bad as middle class people. All those teenagers are going to try and talk to me because of my dad and uncles, especially because they were the founding members of the host club. All that reputation will be on me, and I hate it."

"Why not transfer with your moms help?" The pink haired boy asked, sitting on his bed.

"Dad is keeping an eye on her, she won't be able to get away with it," (Y/n) sighed, staring at the ceiling. "So I might not be able to get around it."

"So, does this mean we're not gonna be classmates anymore?" The sadness in the pink haired boys voice, to an extend, was obvious to the girl.

"No, it doesn't appear so," The sadness was evident in her voice too, before sitting up and looking at her friend with a smile. "But, think of it this way. We'll have a bunch of stories to tell each other and complain about the rich kids sheltered lives. You can also come over when the kitchen is empty and the left over cakes and sweets are still out and have as much as you want."

"Yeah, I guess," As much as he wished (Y/n)'s words had comforted him, they didn't. "Just make sure you text me whenever you need a body to be taken care of. Cause I know you might commit murder over there."

"You know me so well."

Saiki's heart felt like it started to beat faster.

"Alright class, we have a last minute transfer student," Saiki's homeroom teacher said. It's been about a week since the first day of class, and Saiki was utterly miserable. Right now, his face was facing his desk, his forehead resting on the wood. His classmates suck, there's a girl who won't shut up about being the perfect pretty girl, he can't read one of the kids minds, and (Y/n) is not here to comfort him. At this point, he might as well try and transfer to Ouran if it meant he attended the same school as his friend. "Please come in."

The door slid open, and walked in the new student.

"Great, another new student," Saiki sighed. "Just let me transfer out and see (Y/n)."

"Hello!" The voice made Saiki shoot up his head from his desk. "My name is (Y/n) Suoh! Sorry I'm a little late everyone! Hope this year will be amazing!"

Saiki felt his heart start to beat faster, and a smile threatened to grow on his face. His eyes were more expressive. "(Y/n)?"

"Ah!" (Y/n) smiled, and ran over to her best friend and hugged him. "There you are Saiki! I was wondering if this was the right class, they wouldn't let me see the student class sheets, so I did not have that high of a chance of getting in your class, but luck is on my side!"

"Y-you're actually here? But, what about Ouran?"

"Dropped out," (Y/n) shrugged, letting her friend go from the hug. "Dad didn't want me to, but I did. Mom got me in. And you were right, the drive was farther, but it was worth it!"

"You know her Saiki?" One of their classmates asked, a blush on his face. "You know the famous (Y/n) Suoh?"

"Of course I know him," (Y/n) laughed. "He is my best friend after all."

"Whatcha thinking about?" Saiki asked, sitting down on (Y/n)'s couch in her very large room. The two were watching movies that were not even out yet, thanks to Kyoya pulling some strings. (Y/n) did this so there would be no spoilers for her boyfriend. Even though he has the rings, seeing the movie before anyone else does prevents every kind of spoiler, except for Tamaki, who was dragged out of the house by Haruhi.

"The day I transferred to PK Academy and surprised you," (Y/n) laughed. "You were so surprised! Your face was amazing too. Though, I still feel bad that I put you in a situation where you hate attention and all the guys were trying to get my number from you and stuff."

"It's fine," The pink haired boy shrugged, using his powers to make the popcorn bowl float over to them. "It was fun saying no to them and see all their faces sink into sadness."

"Still as mean as ever." The girl shrugged, leaning onto her boyfriend, resting her head on his shoulder. "Now come on, I wanna watch the movie with you."

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