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Maya POV:

I stormed out and ran to the palace library. There, I cried. I knew I shouldn't be here at all. I'm just putting my kingdom in danger everyday; and for what? For existing? I'm sick of this. Everyday I'm always thinking about how I'm a curse to my family. To my kingdom. to all the people on this world. I also have to put up with an immature goddess, and her boyfriend who's a sugardaddy and a coward. I just wanna end it all now. I mean if I do then I'll stop endangering my people. I feel the ground shake and I trip. As I do I see the library collapsing. Pieces of rocks start falling. I stand up as quickly as I could. I manage to stand up but as soon as I do, the ceiling collapses. It was about to hit me before something stopped it.

Zatz. He was floating above me, reaching his hand out. "Are you okay princess?" He asked. I felt my cheeks heat up as I nodded and took his hand. There was a sudden thud followed by the shaking of the ground. I stumbled a bit but Zatz caught me. I ran outside of the library, only to be met by a god. "I am Cabracan! The god of Earthquakes! Give me the half-breed princess!" the god screamed. My brothers ran out of the palace and started fighting the said god. I immediately took a nearby axe and ran to him. I started swinging at him as my brothers looked surprised. Despite how tired I was from just fighting with Acat a few moments ago, I needed to fight for my kingdom. I can't stand to see it get destroyed because of me and just do nothing about it. I manage to land a few hits at him, but he landed much more.

Suddenly, as he was about to hit me, a green sword flew from the air like a boomerang and stopped him "Cabracan" Zatz muttered "Ah, traitor. Finally come to show up?" Cabracan said. I took this chance to take my axe and hit him in the head. I ended up hitting him too hard and making his head fly into the distance. I jumped of his body and immediately ran to my brothers they were severely injured. I immediately called the healers. They unfortunately, couldn't save them. I cried all night as we honored them. "You honor us with your gifts brothers. I'm sorry you had to die because of me" I said as tears of sorrow and guilt escaped from my eyes. The people left one by one and I was left alone. I looked up at the gravestone made for my brothers as I noticed gold tears escape. They stopped at three certain symbols. The Rooster, skull, and the puma. I wondered why the tears stopped at those symbols. Now that I think about it, I've seen these symbols together! I ran to the --now partially broken and dusty-- library and grabbed all the books I could find. I read the whole night away and managed to find some rather interesting information. I found a tattered version of a prophecy. It was about a rooster wizard, a skull archer, a puma warrior, and a little eagle defeating the gods. That's when it all clicked. We misunderstood the prophecy. It wasn't about an eagle and three jaguars.

I noticed that the center table had symbols on them that were unaligned. And idea sparked in my head as I called my parents. I asked my father to help me line up the rooster. When we did, a broken statue of a rooster wizard came out from one of the tattered parts of the ceiling. I asked my mom to help me line up the skulls. As we did, a statue of a tattered skull archer came out of the ceiling. I lined up the puma and a statue of a puma warrior came out aswell.

I explained to mama and papa exactly what I found out. Light from the sun started becoming blinding lines that led to where these warriors were.

"But Maya, who is the little eagle?" Mama asked me. Just then Zatz interfered "I'm sorry for evesdropping and interfering in your conversation, but I believe that the princess is the eagle from the prophecy. She is the only warrior in Teca who holds significance to the gods." Zatz said. They both seemed shock but nodded proudly "She is the warrior diplomat that our kingdom needs." Papa said proudly.

They all turned to me as I smiled at them. I had eye contact with Zatz before finally turning away to listen to my mother. "For this mission of diplomacy, you must dress properly." She explained. I sighed, hoping that it wasn't another princess dress. It ended up being her armor. It fit me perfectly! Papa introduced me to eagle claw. They agreed to Zatz coming along because they wanted me to stay safe. They had trusted him already and was their best option. I rode Chiapa as Katz rode his puma, Colmillo. We began our journey to Luna island.

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