"C'mon Tails," Sonic called, "let's go check out those flowers over there!"

With that, the three of them began the walk towards the patching of flowers, Sonic could've easily just ran to them, but he preferred being able to walk by Knuckles's side. Amy had realized that they all left her and soon caught up with them, and so they all eventually reached the group of Knuckles favorite flowers, some sort of purple ones.

"Wow!" Tails exclaimed, "they're even prettier up close!"

"Mhm!" Amy agreed, "oh Sonic, aren't these flowers lovely?" she asked.

"Yeah, they're pretty cool." Sonic replied, lost in thought, finding himself catching glances of Knuckles staring at the flowers with a smile on his face.

Knuckles gently picked a single flower out of the ground, surprising considering his large hands, and held the flower up to his nose, inhaling the floral scents. He smiled,

"Ah, they smell just as good as I remember."

"Hm" Sonic was curious now, as were the others, as they all seemed to grab their own flowers, fawning over the scent. Sonic however, smelled the flower, and yeah it smelled good, but he could feel the pollen enter his nose and he scrunched his face in disgust as he shook his head violently for a few seconds.

"Gross." he said, "pollen.."

Then he heard Knuckles laugh, and any negative emotion inside of him vanished immediately as he listened to sweet sounds coming out of the echidna's mouth. All his other friends were laughing as well, and before he knew it, he started laughing too. It seems this trip outside wasn't too bad.

Suddenly though, Sonic felt sick to his stomach, almost similar to how he felt around Knuckles, but much less pleasant. He felt confused as a raging headache suddenly attacked him, he groaned in pain as he reached up to grab his head.

"Sonic?" Amy started, "are you ok?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," Sonic replied, "just a little headache."

"Are you sure Sonic?" Knuckles questioned, "you seem to be in a lot of pain..."

Hearing Knuckle's voice only made the pain growing inside of Sonic worsen as he felt an itch in the back of his throat. He coughed, and coughed and coughed trying to get it out, and they weren't any casual coughs either, he felt like he was coughing his entire lungs up. He soon felt his vision start to go blurry as what was stuck in his throat finally made its way out.

The last thing he remembered seeing was the white glove covering his hand drenched in his own blood, paired with his friends looking at him with concerned expressions.

His vision went dark as he then slipped into unconsciousness, his head falling into Knuckle's lap.


"SONIC!" Amy cried in distress as she watched the blue hedgehog collapse into knuckle's lap. Tails and Knuckles making similar sounds of concern.

Tails rushed over to sonic, picking up the hedgehog's wrist so he could check his pulse. He let out a sigh of relief as he felt the rapid pulsing of Sonic's heart underneath his fingertips.

"He's still alive." Tails confirmed, as Amy and Knuckles sighed in unison.

"That's good." Knuckles replied before noticing that one of Sonic's hand's was clenched closed. He slowly lifted the hand up, and carefully pulled his fingers away from his palm.

Vibrant vermillion uncovers itself from Sonic's flesh, the usual ivory fabric stained with crimson blood, some fresh drops still creeping down the fur of his arm.

tfw the blue hedgehog begins to cough up purple flowersWhere stories live. Discover now