Chapter 5

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Dex P.O.V. 

I can't believe this is happening. I just never thought I would follow what the Council said. I never thought I'd set foot inside the Matchmaker's office. Or even set foot in the Vacker's house. Then again, I'd never expected to actually talk to the Vacker's and consider them trustworthy friends. And I definitely didn't expect to have a crush on one of them. 

The fact that her name was on my scroll astounded me. I was shocked - happily, of course - but still. The Council thought we would be good together. I mean, she was just pretty low on the list, but I immediately knew she was who I was going to choose. I saw some familiar names on the list, though. 

13. Linh Hai Song

34. Marella Adene Redek

68. Biana Amberly Vacker

I'm really glad she was on my list. The fact that she was so low on the list should've scared me, since they were only giving us (our friend group) 100 options, but I appreciated it. But how do I know if she has me? I started doubting myself, but then I decided I should just give myself time to think about it. Don't want to end up like Sophie and Fitz, I thought. I knew all about how they were too scared to confess to each other even though it was so obvious it hurt to watch the tension between them. Biana's rubbing off me too much. 

I'm surprised she hasn't just told Sophie and/or Fitz that one of them likes the other. I should tell her to tell them. And that's a good excuse to talk to her. She's making me crazy... crazy for her. I need to stop thinking like that! 

I shook myself out of my thoughts and surveyed the room, trying to see everyone's expressions. Fitz looked over the moon - probably has Sophie on his list, then. That's good - Sophie will be happy, Fitz will be happy, Biana will be happy, and probably everyone in this group will be happy that we don't have to deal with this anymore. Except Keefe... I think he'll be fine, though. He seems to be getting over Sophie. He's acting more brotherly towards her now, instead of how he was before. 

I shifted my gaze over to Tam, who had a small smile on his face. I noticed Glimmer trying to take his list and read it, but he kept avoiding her. Glimmer was laughing and smiling, so she was in a good mood. Come to think of it, this must be weird for her. She probably didn't expect to get a match list, much less personally administered and chosen from the Council. I wonder if they like each other. 

I looked to Linh, who was sitting next to Tam. She was in deep conversation with Wylie, her list long forgotten. He seemed to have also forgotten about his list, but that might be what they're talking about. 

I saw Keefe, who looked up at me after a moment and smirked. Then he mouthed Biana's name to me. I'm pretty sure I turned bright red (even though I tried not to), and he started laughing at me. Marella scrunched her eyebrows and asked him why he was laughing. I widened my eyes and flared my nostrils, rapidly shaking my head, begging him not to tell. Then, I watched them have a conversation across the room, hoping they weren't talking about me and Biana. I noticed them both laughing a lot and being very carefree with each other. When he looked back at me, I raised my eyebrows in a questioning and smug way. He ignored me and went back to his conversation. 

I wanted to talk to Biana, but I knew I could talk to her later. I turned to Fitz, instead.

"So you have Sophie on your list?" I casually asked. He turned to me with a wide grin on his face, and I knew the answer before he told me.

"Yeah, I- wait... how did you know?" He responded. I laughed at him.

"Because you have an idiotic grin on your face that you have whenever you're with Sophie." I told him, and while he thought about this, I leaned over and read his list. "And because I read your list and she's - WAIT SHE'S YOUR NUMBER ONE?!" I sort of shouted. 

"Say that a little louder, I don't think she heard you." Fitz deadpanned.

"Sorry, I was just shocked. That's crazy. And you're probably her number one!" I reasoned. 

"No way..." Fitz said, thinking. 

"Sophie's his number one?" Keefe asked curiously. Everyone else nodded, looking tired of his stupid question. 

"H-how do you guys know?" Fitz demanded. 

"Puh-lease. We knew you had a crush on her a looooong time ago-" Marella started.

"And you have that look on your face that you have with her-" Linh continued.

"And you wouldn't be this happy otherwise-" Glimmer added.

"And Dex mouthed it to me." Tam finished explaining. 

"You weren't supposed to tell him that Dex told," Wylie scolded Tam. Fitz looked shocked, his jaw wide open and slack, eyes wide. 

"Give him a minute," Keefe said. Just then, Biana walked in followed by a newly happy Sophie. 

"Umm... this is weird." Sophie noted. Biana walked over and sat next to me. 

"What's going on?" She whispered. My heart started beating a million miles an hour. I calmed myself down before answering. 

"Well, Fitz just realized that we all knew about his crush on Sophie." I whispered back. Biana nodded. 

"I have to tell you something later, okay? Just remind me if I forget." Biana said. I nodded, smiling. 

Word Count: 975

What does Biana want to tell Dex later? Stay tuned to find out! Don't forget to please comment and vote. Thanks ❤

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