🌸Isabela🌸 headcanons

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• Since she has the power of flowers so she would just randomly give you a bouquet of them either on dates, randomly, or on valentines day.

• She might act tough but really shes needs so much love and reassurance because of all the stuff alma put/puts her though. 

• You also like to get little gifts for her, though you refrain from getting her flowers much as she can just make some herself.

• Although alma disliked you for a bit she couldn't for long as you were just so sweet and not just to her but to all her children and grandkids as well.

• Everyone was surprised with how alma took a liking to you, Mirabel more than the others.

• Mirabel even came up to you once and asked you how you did it, you not understanding what she meant just tilted your head slightly while looking at her confused. Mirabel got her answer just from you doing that.

• Once camilo saw the both of you being a cute couple and yelled " WHY DOES ISABELA ALWAYS GET THE CUTE ONES?!" lets just say he got hit in the back of the head by both Isabela and Dolores while your in the background blushing like a mad woman.

   • You like to surprise her with random acts of affection such as, surprising her with hugs doesn't matter what kind of hug it is back hug? yes, side hug? mhm, normal hug? yes ma'am.

• On occasion when you back hug her she smacks you in the face with flowers as you catch her off guard.

• Once she was talking with Dolores in the kitchen and you walked in only being noticed by Dolores as she was facing the door, you being the loving girlfriend you are snuck up to her and hugged her from behind. the hug didn't last long as soon as it started you got hit in the face with flowers making you let go of her while also becoming a whining mess. she didn't leave your side for the whole day while also apologizing every once and again.

• I feel like when cuddling she would be a switch like most of the time you would be the little spoon but on some occasions she would want to be the little spoon.

• When you're the little spoon she would let you either let you lay on her like a damn starfish, cuddle into her side with your face in her neck, or letting you put some of your upper body into her pyjama shirt just enough that you could lay your head on her chest.

• When she's the little spoon you pretty much let her do the same things she lets you do. your a bit more gentle with her as whenever she's the little spoon something must've either upset her a lot, or she really just wanted to be babied.

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