Chapter 2

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Throughout the next few days, nothing out of the ordinary happens to Hailee. Go to class, see Ella whenever she wants to meet up, meet up with her friends for lunch, Griffin picks her up from school and proceeds to tease her about anything and everything, dinner, sleep, repeat.

Well actually, one thing out of the ordinary happens to Hailee, but it goes from being out of the ordinary to being part of her routine.

"Hi" Hailee blurts out when she sees Florence walking down the hallway, towards her direction.

"Hi" Florence greets back with a smile.

Hailee flushes because wow, the blonde's smile was truly captivating.

This has been happening a lot recently, where the two will somehow bump into each other and they'll exchange 'hi's'. Sometimes she'll initiate it, but other times it will be Florence who greets her first.

One time she ran into Florence, quite literally, when they both tried going through a door at the same time. Hailee had almost tripped on herself when it happened, but Florence was quick with her reflexes and grabbed the girl by the arm to keep her from falling.

Hailee could feel how strong Florence was then and her mind was having some inappropriate thoughts at that moment.


Today was no different as Hailee could see Florence once again walking down the hallway, this time toward their classroom where they sit by each other.

"Hi" Florence greets.

"Hi!" Hailee greets back with a bright smile.

"You going that way?" Florence inquires holding a pen and paper. Hailee nods,

"Are you doing the homework for today while walking to the class that assigned that homework" Hailee says with wide eyes.

"I might be" Florence mumbles as she scribbles furiously.

"That's very chaotic of you" Hailee laughs lightly making Florence grin back at her,

"That makes me sound way cooler than I actually am" Florence replied back still scribbling.

"Do you want me to do that for you? I can tell you the answer" Hailee offers.

Florence gives the girl a look, "Nah I'm good. Thank you though."

"Are you sure because I can-" Hailee reaches out to grab the pen in Florence's pen but the blonde was faster and moved away from the brunette.

Hailee yelped at the fast reaction and stumbles falling into Florence. In the process, Florence accidentally writes on Hailee's arm when the blonde reaches to catch the girl.

Hailee blushes before muttering a thank you and steadies herself, stepping away from the blonde. She glances at her arm and at the line of blue ink,

"How dare you?" Hailee dramatically gasps.

Florence giggles before reaching out for her arm,

"What are you doing?" Hailee questions but allows the blonde to grab her arm.

"Better?" Florence gives the girl a cheesy grin as she points at the line of blue ink. There were two other drawn lines so that it was now a smiley face.

"Maybe" Hailee couldn't help but melt at the cute gesture.

The two continue to walk towards their class after the interaction. As Hailee was about to speak up about an incorrect answer she was able to see on Florence's paper, she spots Ella walking towards them from the corner of her eyes.

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