Finding Answers

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"I will not be taken anywhere unless they come with me," Thomas refused. "I refuse to go somewhere without them,"

"Well sorry, Thomas but I'm in charge. Now come on," Janson cocked his head at some guards.

Edward kept a close grip on Thomas's hand. "And how will I know when I'll see my brother again?"

"I assure you, you'll be with him soon enough," Janson tried to sound patient but Edward could tell there was intolerance in his eyes. He tried to speak up, only for Jerry to interject.

"My father has made his decision, so why don't you just be a good boy and go sit down?" Jerry jeered.

"Either you think you're doing what's right or you're just being a bossy bully," Edward mocked.

Jerry suddenly punched him in the face.

"Hey!" Thomas punched him back.

A fight broke out. Some men tried to hold the brothers away from each other. The gladers rushed over and tried to stop the commotion.

"Take Thomas away," Janson ordered. Two soldiers roughly shoved Thomas away. He looked back at his struggling brother and gave him an encouraging nod. Edward nodded back.

Jerry suddenly punched him in the abdomen and he fell to his knees straining. "That'll teach you some manners,"

Chuck suddenly kicked him between the legs.

"Ow!" Jerry pressed his hands under his abdomen and glared up at him as he frowned. "You little..."

"Take them to their room!" Janson ordered.


Thomas was escorted away to some corridors behind the other kids. He looked back and saw the soldiers keeping a very close eye on him. He fumed. He hated being manhandled. He didn't like it one bit. He noticed Janson walking up to catch up to them. He glanced at him disapprovingly.

"See you couldn't have been a little bit respectful," Janson muttered, not looking at him.

"See your son needs to learn some manners," Thomas answered back. They came to a fork in the corridors but Thomas noticed Janson nudging him out of the queue into the right corridor. The other kids were escorted down the left hallway.

"Hey...why aren't I going with the others?" Thomas inquired, getting more suspicious than ever.

"We just need you for something. It'll be quick," Janson turned around, not giving any more information. Thomas felt compelled to walk away but two guards were behind him. His heart thumping accelerated. With no choice, he walked forward, following the rat-faced man and feeling a tingling in his throat. He saw a pair of silver steel doors ahead. White light blazed through the windows. Whatever it was that was about to happen, he wasn't ready. He hoped his plan with his brother had worked.

Oblivious to him, a needle was raised, targeted for the nape of his neck.


The Gladers were shoved into their room. The guards locked the door behind them. Everyone glared at Edward.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Minho shouted.

"Jerry started it! He punched me!" Edward snapped. "Chuck! Why did you do that?" He was mad at his little friend for kicking Jerry like that. "Jerry could have punched you!"

"He had it coming," Chuck said. "And if he gets you, he gets all of us,"

"Was it really that hard to walk away?" Newt asked.

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