Chapter One: Sold

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(So as this is a collab, the first chapter is dedicated to my girl SaturnYang honestly I don't really do soppy, but you keep me sane, and I don't tell you enough how highly I think of you. You're an incredible person and don't ever change. Ilysm 💜)

"Another one sooooold!" Han threw some meaningless papers high up in the air, as he span his chair around. The white sheets made loud fluttering noises as they slowly drifted back down towards the ground.

"Which one this time Han?" Hyunjin's plump lips smacked loudly as he chewed the peice of gum, that he substituted for lunch, obnoxiously loudly.

"Jin I swear to God I will punch you if you don't stop making that damn noise." Chan's slender fingers dug into his skull as he nursed his pounding hungover head. His ghostly appearance this morning in the dark, frozen winter morning had almost given me a heart attack.

White steamy, alcohol filled breaths had drifted into the sky as he groaned, edging closer to me and then his deathly looking face had sprung out at me in the dark. The deep purple bags that hung from his sunken black sleep deprived eyes, mixed with the pale, slightly green looking, skin had almost caused me to scream when I saw it approach in the window.

"Suck my dick." Jin instructed as he flipped him off with both long middle fingers raises in his direction. The office was always like this. There was a weird air of semi friendly competition. We all got along perfectly well when we weren't at work, but here, the stakes were higher. The stakes were always higher when money was involved. It didn't help that all of us were locked in a weird dance of being teammates, but also competing for commission.

"The mansion on 5th Ave. You know the one with the pool that goes through the centre of the house?" He explained as he leaned back and intertwined his fingers, laying his hands across his flat stomach.

"How much did it go for Ji?" I asked tapping away on my keyboard, as I typed a well constructed email telling a seller to politely fuck off with their ridiculous idea of a well priced house. Five million for a two bed was outrageous. Even in the centre of the bustling popular city.

"Three Million." He stated happily.

"Get it girl." Hyunjin joked in a stupid voice as his way of congratulating him, he clicked his fingers sassily. Han shot finger guns in his direction and winked cheekily in response with a huge grin plastered across his face.

"Ugh will you guys be quiet for two seconds?!" Chan whined as he placed his head on his desk and pretended to cry. I chuckled and threw a pen in his direction. It bounced off of his head, and ricocheted into his screen before loudly dropping to the floor at his feet.

"Yah! Who has a death wish?!" He yelled. The three of us erupted into giggles as he rubbed the area the pen had hit.

"Here Chan, let me play you the world smallest violin." I offered as I rubbed my forefinger against my thumb.

"Good Afternoon boys." Mr Kim said as he rushed through the office. We all straightened up and began working, or at least pretending to, in the presence of our boss. He was a nice guy and tended to let us get away with too much, but he also had his moments. His terrifying moments where none of us knew what we could and couldn't say to avoid irritating him.

"Afternoon, did you have a good weekend?" Jisung said, in his sweet kiss ass voice as he fluttered his eyelashes at our boss. He was the favourite. Jisung could sell manure to a cow farmer and convince him it was better than the fresh stuff coming from his animals. He had a wicked sense of humour, and a natural relaxed personality that made people want to buy from him.

"Yes thank you Jisung. Can I have all of you focus up for a second? We have a huge listing coming up, and the incentive to sell is huge. The client is a well known property dealer, and if we can get this right, we can work with him in the future too."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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