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"Yah! Dori! Don't lick your butt on camera! I can't include it when you do that!" I scolded the small creature as she stared up at me. She blinked slowly with her tongue still half hanging out of her mouth, as I moved around her to film from a better angle.

"Mrrrooooowwww" She licked her lips and stretched her legs before flopping down and flicking her tail aggressively as her eyes were trained on the toy I was shaking for her. It was the only way to keep her attention long enough to get decent footage. Her eyes drifted back and forth as she contemplated attacking the brightly coloured feather in front of her.

"That's it cutie. Gosh you're so adorable!" I cooed as her paws flailed wildly, trying to catch the toy that was dangling just out of view of the camera. Her pupils dilated and her cute fluffy ears flattened against her head as she showed her wild side off to the camera. Her head flicked around as something in the world beyond the window caught her attention. Without warning she slammed her face against the smooth cold glass before bolting out of the room and rushing upstairs. My mouth was agape as shock took over, at the random behaviour I had never seen her display before.

"Dori!" I called as I rushed after her. I had to make sure she hadn't damaged her face. It was after all the money maker. At least my followers would find the video hilarious. I definitely had enough footage for the next installment.

"Leeknow! How many times have I told you to keep your freaking cats out of my room?!" My housemate yelled, as I rushed up the stairs, taking them two at a time. I ditched my camera on the top step, and placed my hand on my side. I needed to work out more. I rounded the corner and I could hear them. Dori and Doongie were circling each other, with their backs uncomfortably arched upwards as they squared up to each other. They always did this.

"Stop bickering!" I clapped my hands loudly to distract them as they began hissing and yowling at eachother. My roommate was staring at me, totally exasperated, and clearly her last nerve was shot. She had never liked the idea of one cat, so multiple cats were like her own personal hell.

"Why do you have to have three cats?! Seriously, if you don't get rid of at least one of them, I will move out!" She began ranting about the mess, noise, and fur the cats created, and I couldn't help pouting. They were like children to me, and the suggestion that I should get rid of any of them was hurtful to say the least.

"Don't forget who pays your rent! These cats are the reason you live here for free Yuri." I reminded her as I picked Dori up. I cradled her like a baby and checked her face over before scratching under her chin. She erupted into loud content purrs as she lay in my arms, happy and safe from the mean bully below. Doongie began winding in between my legs and I smiled fondly.

These cats had kept me sane in my darkest hours. They were the reason I was here. They're silly antics, endless love and pure stupidity kept me sane in even my most depressed moments.

"Come on you two, I know when we're not appreciated." I instructed as I turned to leave. I slammed the door behind me and placed Dori back down on the floor in front of me. She stared up at me as she sat down and Doongi was still rubbing up against my legs.

"You guys have to make this easier. Stay away from Yuri's room! Otherwise she's going to leave us, and we don't want that." Both of them stared at me as I talked but neither of them seemed to care. Sometimes I wondered if they even knew what I was saying. My phone dinged and I pulled it out of my pocket. It was nothing unusual with with large following I had.

"Oh, who's this?" I opened up the message and was surprised to see one of the guys I followed had messaged me. I didn't even know he knew I existed.

Hey! I love your videos!
Your cats are the cutest.

Thank you! Your pictures
are pretty hot 🔥  I look
forward to your updates.

Thank you! I was
wondering if maybe
you wanted to collab?

I squealed excitedly. Was this really happening?! I had been a long term fan of Yang Jeongin and to have him notice me was one thing, but for him to request a collab?!

Oh my gosh!
I would love to!
What did you have in mind?

Little did I know that one question, would change my life forever.

------ My Influence

Saturn and Channy

My Influence// Minsung FFWhere stories live. Discover now