Chapter 1 : Trix vs Bloom

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Hello everyone !

It took me a long time - two months anyway ^^' - and I apologize. I have several reasons to give you: I started a new job, I was sick, but above all I spent more than a month writing the screenplay in detail. When I wrote my very first chapter, I had the story but not all the elements. There today I have a summary of about 90 scenes - so that doesn't necessarily mean that there will be 90 chapters huh ^^ - and I think I'll be able to publish much faster!

With that, I wish you good reading.

And since it's officially the beginning... Opening!

If you desire
You can become
One of our bunch

Winx, if your hand is warm in mine
It'll give us greater power
With a feeling we'll be sure-fire winners
Winx, with a smile you can enchant
And you'll lighten up our world
With a feeling we can take flight, watch us

If you desire
You can become
One of our bunch

With a magic ray, the sky is all blazing
An adventure is certain to start in the stars
When I'm cloud-borne
I fly through time and space
I color my existence with my imagination
With my flight in heaven

Winx, if your hand is warm in mine
It'll give us greater power
With a feeling we'll be sure-fire winners
Winx, we're the new kids on the block
We're each other's dearest friends
With a feeling we can take flight, watch us

Winx, you're magical, Winx
And you roam through the stars
A powerful light ray
Under the sign of the Winx


When Bloom entered the school of Alfea, she had no idea of her true origins. To tell the truth, no one had understood that at this moment the course of a history of the greatest importance had just resumed, after three centuries of interruption.

There had however been a harbinger a year earlier, that of the simultaneous registration at the Cloud Tower of Icy, Darcy and Stormy. Mrs. Griffin, the headmistress of the school, quickly discovered that the three young women each had ancestry with the Ancestral Witches. Besides, they hadn't hesitated to brag about it and to make it a tool of domination over the other students. The principals of the other schools, Mrs. Faragonda and Mr. Saladin, quickly expressed their concerns to their colleague.


During an informal meeting where the three directors saw each other more to relax than to work, Faragonda struck up the conversation:

- Griffin, she said worriedly, I don't think it's reasonable to have these three young girls in your school. Their ancestors were our enemies. And three descendants, all at once... It seems to me to be too great a coincidence. Just knowing of their existence makes me fear a future threat.

- I couldn't agree more with her, said Saladin.

- My dear colleagues, replied Griffin, why must when two of us gang up against the third, it must always be you against me?

- Come on, said Saladin, you know very well that we have no intention of being your enemy. We only share our concern with you.

- Even see that as a mark of friendship on our part, said Faragonda. A friendship that I remind you was born from our fight against the Ancestral Witches.

Far from relaxing, Griffin sneered.

- None of us are old and senile enough to have forgotten it yet. But since we're restating the obvious, I tell you both that the Cloud Tower has been under my direction since its events. I took on the heavy task of training future witches, of ensuring that a balance was maintained in the Dimensions so that no young woman would make the mistake of the Ancestral Witches again. In three centuries, I think I have done an admirable job. I also think I'm still perfectly up to it.

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