Explanation & Opening

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Hi all

I come back after about 2 years of absence, and for the first time I will embark on a history of the Winx Club

I don't know exactly how big the story will be, I'm writing it as I send you this message. I already know how the story will end. I hope I'm off to a pretty long adventure. In any case I tried to write something quite long.

Some details about the story:

1) I'm going on a K+ Rating for now, I intend to stick as much as possible to the tone of the series, but being an adult myself I might have trouble with that, maybe that without realizing it I would make the story more mature, or that on the contrary I would infantilize the characters, in any case I will try that this is not the case.

2) As my title indicates, I will write about an alternate version of Season 2 so considered that everything that happened in season 1 has happened, and that from this moment I will modify the 'story. Why season 2? Because I think starting there allows me to be in a good position to write something interesting about Bloom, who has just gone through great trials victoriously but who still has a lot of questions about her past.

3) I tried to put as many characters from the original story as possible and to respect what they are as characters with 2 exceptions: Lord Darkar, who will be the villain of this story, but who is different from the one you know, and Vija, the new teacher from Alfea who is my invented character

4) English isnt my native language, so excuse me if I'll make mistakes !

5) I do not own the Winx Club series or its characters, of course

With that, here's a first look at the story with the prologue:

"To find yourself in the Omega dimension was like entering a reality where time was no more. The installations were all underground, covered over the entire planet with a dome which was composed of a thick, erratic mesh of rock and ice. If the day light could therefore appear as far as you, it was by crossing such a filter that it was hopelessly pale, and gave no sensation of heat. Worse, this glow was frozen, because it was around three suns that revolved the only planet of this dimension. And their respective trajectories made that the days were eternal. The night never came. This dimension was stuck in the illusion of an infinity that stretched again and again.

It was impossible for anything living, plant or animal, to exist in this reality. And that's why the Great Dragon had designed it that way. This dimension was the one that the divine being who had given birth to this universe had chosen not to grace with his flame of life.

Because in the end, this place was where all the governments of all the magical dimensions agreed to banish their most terrible enemies. Thus for millennia, the human beings or humanoid prisoners who stayed at Omega all had in common to be terrible criminals. It could be witches who had poisoned or taken control of other people, people who had tried to overthrow a kingdom, thieves of great fortunes... People who were deemed to require an exemplary punishment. And to prevent hunger from pulling individuals trapped in a world where nothing can live, each criminal was brought in and held in a large block of ice. A prison within the prison that Omega already was. Anyone who had the misfortune to be condemned in this place therefore found himself immobile, a prisoner but perpetually awake in a timeless place.

So the sentences didn't even have to be long. Many will have spent only five to ten years in its premises. But these short sentences were infinite in a world where time did not exist. We left here with our minds so deranged and traumatized that we promised to do all the good deeds possible so as never to return there again.

But there was a criminal in Omega who matched none of that. Lord Darkar had been a wizard of the worst kind, who once committed a crime so heinous that it was etched in people's minds as the most terrible wound that the magical dimensions had ever known. A scar so deep it was still stared at in horror centuries later. And that the name of its author was almost synonymous with bogeyman. For his sin, Darkar was sentenced to the Omega Dimension for life. An eternity of loneliness and destruction of the spirit that nothing should ever shake.

The punishment lasted for more than three centuries. Then one day Darkar, eternally conscious, sensed something. To his mind trapped for so long, the memories of his past life were almost like old dreams, washed out and stripped of all emotion. So it took him a moment to realize that a change was taking place. As a corpse would suddenly move a finger, Darkar felt a warmth in his hands. This feeling lasted, then soon it spread to his forearms. Of course he couldn't say how long the whole process lasted, but little by little he felt that power, that magic was starting to flow through his body again.

How could my power return? he thought. I completed my mission once... But after all, so many things have happened since I left!

His mind, like the plants in winter when the sun's rays finally returned, was thawing.

I don't know how much time has passed. Decades or millennia. I don't even know if this strange phenomenon is what I believe. All of this could even stop in an instant and I could return to my static eternity. But one thing is certain... All magical creatures, I've never forgotten what you did to me!

Soon Lord Darkar felt this energy running through him connect to him. Again, after centuries, he regained some of the strength that had been his. He tried to tense his muscles, to expel this energy as violently as possible, to finally destroy his chains.

It was as if his mind was screaming, and its initially ineffectual echo began, imperceptibly, to shake the cage of ice that contained his body. Then came the moment when it cracked, more and more badly. Before she bursts out and lets her prisoner crumble to the ground.

Darkar's first movement once free was to clench his fists. Before he chattered his teeth. He was cold, an illness that he welcomed with infinite gratitude, however, because it put an end to centuries without being able to feel anything.

When he was able to get to his feet, Darkar looked around him. This place he had been staring at for so long without being able to even slightly turn his neck, he was contemplating it now free of his movements. This idea resonated in him as an incredible victory. A word exploded like a meteor in his mind. FREE!

- Magix... he said hoarsely before coughing, almost gasping at his first words in decades. Domino... All magical dimensions... I'll make you pay. YOU WILL ALL PAY FOR MY PUNISHMENT!"


See you soon for the first chapter ;)

Winx Club Season 2 Reimagined : Domino WarsWhere stories live. Discover now