Chapter 21

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The day of the Rite of Descension, Liyue Harbor is practically thrumming with energy. Zhongli arrived early that morning with a large box in hand, which turned out to be holding the hanfu they'd ordered a week ago. Childe more than welcomed the help from Zhongli to figure out how the clothing garments were worn together to create the outfit. Once again, Childe was fascinated by the sole fact that Liyuan people wore so much clothing on a daily basis. He was fairly certain that, by that point, he was wearing three layers of the skirt and another two of the outer jacket and gown, all tied into place with a beautiful sash of navy blue silk.

Childe had been worried, for a grand total of five minutes, that he was overdressed. In those five minutes, he ran around his apartment, frantic with worry, only for Zhongli to reappear from the bedroom, fully dressed in a hanfu of similar style, though his was of a rich combination of black and gold. They looked like complete opposites like that, but they looked good together. It almost felt like they were two parts of a whole, like they were meant to be together.

Which... arose another worry, that perhaps, now they were both overdressed. That would certainly make it less awkward than if Childe was overdressed alone, but still, not an ideal situation. Any and all worry, however, disappeared as soon as they stepped out onto the street. 

It was still fairly early in the morning, but even then, the crowds had already started forming, with countless people in ornate gowns and exquisite fabrics all mingling about, stopping by merchants that they'd usually ignore or meeting up with old acquaintances. It was a breathtaking sight. If Childe had thought that Liyue was beautiful before, he knew it was now. Not beautiful in the way that the forest was beautiful, or the way that the sun setting over a cold lake was beautiful. No, Liyue Harbor was beautiful in the way that people were.

The better part of the morning was spent drowning in a sea of colors as they took turns dragging one another from one booth to the next, from a kiosk that sold souvenirs to one that sold snacks to another that sold prophecies made by Rex Lapis himself. (An obvious fake, but everyone seemed to be in high spirits, and Childe didn't bother calling the merchant out.) He missed times like these, when he could just relax and be at peace with someone he loved. 

Somehow, even among the thousands of people that had come to the streets of Liyue Harbor to celebrate, Zhongli still managed to stand out. It almost felt as if he was glowing, as if his hanfu was radiating geo power and he was declaring himself to be an archon then and there. A couple walked by them in extravagant outfits, and another group passed by, earning the stares of everyone on the street, but Childe couldn't take his eyes off Zhongli.

The consultant's hair was let loose for once, its inky waves falling to accentuate the form of his hanfu, and the golden tips of his hair matching his color scheme beautifully. Instead of his usual stoic mask, he wore the faintest of smiles - barely even the corner of his lip tilting upwards - but the expression was more breathtaking than anything Childe had seen all day. The gentle breeze made his hair sway with it, practically screaming to the world that Zhongli was a man of elegance. Liyue Harbor was  a beautiful sight, there was no doubt about that, but the most gorgeous of them all was Zhongli.

He found himself pulling Zhongli into a kiss before he could even think about it. He was pretty shameless, yes, but even he had his limits. And yet, all those limits disappeared, and all he could think of was how lucky he was to be the one that Zhongli chose to have, to have Zhongli here by his side, even if it was only temporary. He wanted it to last forever. He wanted to carve this memory into his mind, so that he had comfort on his darkest nights. 

Zhongli's hand in his. The sweep of his hair in the wind. The chorus of voices all around them. The endless cascade of colors. The promise of joy. The feeling of Zhongli's lips against his. And, above all else, the knowledge that Zhongli had chosen him. That, for the first time in his life, someone had chosen to be with him, to stay with him, and they didn't regret the choice. The knowledge that, even if it was fleeting and fake and Zhongli wouldn't remember it in a matter of years, it was real, and it was good while it did last. Even if it wouldn't last much longer.

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