Chapter 20

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One week.

That was all that he had left before the Rite of Descension took place and the Tsaritsa realized his position was compromised. One measly week.

In one week, he'd get to see the exuvia up close, and then he'd have to come clean to Rex Lapis about his mission and hope that he knew Childe wasn't just using him for his mission. By then, though, he would've already left the Fatui, and the Tsaritsa would send her forces after him and either try to take him back or kill him for failing the mission. 

But that was a problem for future him. Current him had other things to worry about, like the fact that Zhongli had dragged him back to the clothing store and had decided to wrap him up in hundreds of fabrics again. This time, he'd decided that Childe couldn't just settle for a pre-made changshan - he had to get a custom one, specifically tailored to him. According to Zhongli, the Rite of Descension was a festival to which people wore only their very best clothing, made of the finest materials, and Childe was no exception.

That would've been fine, of course, if it weren't for the fact that he'd already been standing there for over two hours, with the tailors all running around him, holding up fabrics of different texture and color, each one painfully similar to the last, and with the three of them all talking around him, Childe felt like he was surrounded by a flock of birds. A flock of large, extremely loud birds that were overly eager to showcase everything they had in store.

For what felt like the hundredth time, one of them raised up a piece of fabric - sea green, this time - and wrapped it around Childe tightly enough that he could barely breathe. His face must've turned a little red from the sudden lack of oxygen, because Zhongli motioned for the tailor to loosen up a little, and Childe couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"Is this really necessary?" Childe groaned in complaint, squirming at the uncomfortable touch of the fabric against him. "I get this is, like, a special occasion and all that, and I should dress up, but I still have my old changshan . Y'know, the red one that I wore to the Galley?"

"Absolutely not," Zhongli replied, shutting down any and all attempts that he may have had. "While I do not argue that the changshan you already own is exquisite, it's typically worn for other occasions. As such, it would be improper to wear it to the Rite of Descension. A new outfit is necessary."

"Huh, really?" Childe mused out loud, wincing a little as the tailors draped another piece of fabric over him. "I thought the red of the changshan would go quite well to the whole gold theme that Rex Lapis has going on."

If Childe didn't know better, he would've thought he saw Zhongli blush slightly. Was he missing something? Was there, like, some special meaning about red and gold color combinations? Ah- right, Zhongli was Rex Lapis. He was probably just flustered that Childe wanted to match with him. 

Zhongli took a deep breath, as if calming himself, before turning to Childe once more. "Though I understand you're not familiar with the customs of Liyue, I ask of you to trust me on this matter. While there is no doubt that the changshan you already own is splendid, it would be more fitting to wear a different type of apparel. Now, if I may..."

He reached over to the large pile of fabrics, carefully raising a piece of white silk. He held it up to Childe, his eyes focused as his gaze flicked form the fabric to Childe, before he nodded and reached for another piece of the cloth, this one navy blue. He nodded again, running his fingers over the silk as if testing its quality.

Finally, he looked up again, addressing the tailors this time. "If I may be so bold as to make suggestions, I believe a hanfu consisting of a white skirt and garment paired with a robe made of this blue silk would look rather well on him. The white should bring out his youth, while the navy blue should highlight his natural features to make them stand out all the more."

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