Chapter 1 - Reincarnation

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I looked around my surroundings and recognized some of the people. The people from Class D that is. I also recognized the girl beside me, She was Kushida Kikyou. I then looked at Koenji, Horikita and then the protagonist Ayanokoji Kiyotaka himself. I still can't believe this. I really got reincarnated? The excitement from being reincarnated into my favourite novel started overcoming me.

I then noticed I had a bag. Unzipping it, There was a diary inside, So I hurriedly opened it.

Name: Akira Ito
Daily journal

I flipped through the pages filled with writings on what I did, No, what the body I am residing in did on a daily basis.
It seems this isn't my real body. I then skimmed through the person's day to day life.

I wasn't that interested in this person's daily life but I concluded one thing, If everything here was real then I was definitely reincarnated into this person's body.

I quickly moved through the pages until I arrived at a few interesting parts.

"I have been feeling sick lately but it should go away after awhile."

"My parents noticed that I was looking paler, so they took me to see a doctor, the doctor said I was perfectly healthy but still prescribed some medications."

"I felt a little better but I will stop writing here for awhile and I will also tone down my workout. I have plenty of time to rest since junior high just ended."

"I was finally going into high school, I applied for many high schools and got selected in majority of them, I also applied to ANHS as a joke but let's see how it all goes."

"Oh my God I can't believe it, I got accepted into the Advanced Nurturing High School, one of the most prestigious school here."

"Although I still have to do the entrance exam and interview it's still a big achievement for that school to even allow you to take a entrance exam and a interview."

"Tomorrow is the Interview and the Entrance examination. Oh no, I am getting too nervous and anxious."

"I think I did a pretty good in the interview and the exam but you can never be too sure."

"I am shaking...oh my God, I am eligible to attend the Advanced Nurturing High School."

"Tomorrow I will leave for the high school , it seems I have been assigned to class D, the class I am assigned to isn't that important. Anyway, I am really excited for my high school life."

And...That's the last thing in this diary. I closed the diary and placed it back into my backpack. I looked outside the bus at the beautiful view of the sea thinking about how I got here, the bright light and the feeling of being sucked into the Novel.

"You look much better now, you know?"

Hm? A voice interrupted my thoughts, it was my seat mate on the bus, Kushida Kikyo.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well...when I sat beside you, you looked very pale, as if you would collapse at any moment. When I asked for permission to sit here you sounded very sick and went to sleep but after awhile you jolted awake and started gasping for air, I got worried that something happened but then the color of your face started returning little by little, So I thought you will be fine."

"Ah, you were that worried about me?" I teased.

Kushida was surprised and started giggling in a cute tone.

"Hehehe, that's just how I am."

Yeah right...

Then I extended my hand for handshake and with a smile I introduced myself.

"I am Akira Ito, Nice to meet you."

Kushida shook my hand unhesitatingly and also smiled.

"I am Kushida Kikyo, Nice to meet you and I hope we can get along as good friends."

Was the handshake a good thing to do while introducing myself to a stranger? I don't know but who cares.

Regardless, I always thought that Ike and Yamauchi were exaggerating her smile and beauty but seeing it in person myself she is really cute and her smile really pushes her beauty to another level. It's a smile that can charm all the guys.

"Do you want to exchange contact info with me?" Kushida asked while taking out her phone.

"Yea sure."

I got her number, It was the first girl's number I ever got since coming to this world.

It seems she was going to continue the conversation but was interrupted by a commotion nearby. There was a office lady with a elderly lady talking to a blonde high schooler also known as Kouenji.

"Excuse me, But can't you offer your seat to this elderly lady? You are sitting on a priority seat that should be given to the elderly."

“I don’t understand lady. Priority seats are just that: priority seats. I have no legal obligation to move. Since I’m currently sitting on this seat, I should be the one who determines whether or not I move. Am I supposed to give up my seat just because I’m young? Ha! That reasoning is just nonsense.”

Oh, I remember this part rather clearly. Although the lines are a bit different I know what's going to happen. I guess I will just ignore this but it seems Kushida is listening rather intently.
After awhile she stands and goes to talk to Koenji, Supporting the office lady and the elderly lady in the argument.

Ignoring that I just look outside the bus once more. The school was getting closer. I really reincarnated into someone's body huh, Someone who was probably about to die, hold on a minute did he start getting sick because of me? Judging from what Kushida said it might be possible. She said I looked very pale before I jolted awake and started gasping for air. That's the time I reincarnated into this novel. After that I started looking much better, which is really suspicious.

If that's so then I just killed someone. No, I was reincarnated against my will so it's not my fault...but I still technically killed him. Wait, It is also possible that he actually had a sickness that even the doctor failed to notice, *sigh* I am thinking too much.
Soon enough a woman stood up and offered her seat. The elderly lady expressed her gratitude repeatedly and slowly sat on the offered seat.

Then the bus stopped. Looks like we have arrived at our destinstion, oh man am I excited. Since I was seated on the 3rd to the last row, I got off the bus rather late. I looked up and saw the school gate. As I approached the gate I saw a male and a female conversing, they were of course Ayanokoji and Horikita. Soon, Horikita sighed and went inside the school. Ayanokoji stood there for a bit and started walking towards the entrance. To be honest,  I was kinda excited to meet him, it's not everyday you get to meet the protagonist of your favourite anime in real life. So seeing that I approached him from behind.

"Not very nice, Is she?"

Classroom of the Elite - The Anomaly Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora