The Kamen Rider Trio, The Unicorn, and....what is this feeling?

Mulai dari awal

"He's fine, Mirio, this always happens" I said, with a smile. I loved seeing Shotaro transform.

Shotaro smiled softly, and put the black USB on the left side, and pushed both of them down, and seemed to open the device to the sides,


Cyclone! Joker!

Suddenly, the USB's seemed to break, and cover his body, in a green and black suit with a gust of wind that blew papers around the office

"NOW... Count up your sins~" The voice of Phillip said.

"Oh come on, you downer, that's my thing!" The voice of Shotaro said, their sides lighting up respectively.

"...EH!? But, that- I- Who-"

"Don't forget me now~" Date-San said, as  he pulled out the Birth Driver System. He wrapped it around his waist with a click. Date-san pulled out a Cell Medal, and proceeded to flip it, before catching it.


"It's Harvesting time~" Date-san said, as he gripped his hands. He stood before Mirio and Sir in suit of Black, silver and green, with what looked Gatcha balls around his body.

"..." Sir and Mirio stood there,
shocked, and dumbfounded," This is Kamen Rider W, and Birth." I said, coming forward.

It took a bit, but Sir slowly came back to his normal stoic self," Explain, Izuku"

So I did. Everything, from how that there were other world, to the revolution that the world we live in was a Alternate reality to the old world of the Original OOO, and that Date-san and W both came from Alternate Worlds as well.

"Where is Terui-san, anyways?" I asked quietly, looking at Shotaro-san

"He should be coming soon. We may need your power, if the portal doesnt appear byself" he whispered back.

I nodded," So...what is the reason you came here, guys?" I asked

Shotaro grimaced, pulling out a photograph and placed it on the desk. I looked over, and stumbled back," N-no..."

"What? What is it?" Mirio asked, frowning

"I-I thought they were gone!"

"They didnt fully die out, Izuku, you know that.." Date said, frowning.

"What is this...?" Sir asked, picking up the photograph. It was of a random alley way, with this symbol.

"S-shocker..." I muttered, gripping my head.

"And what is Shocker?" Sir asked.

"Shocker is the original evil organization which was formed by the mysterious Great Leader." Shotaro said," In an attempt to create the ultimate warriors, they were responsible for the rise of the very first Kamen Riders 1 and 2, whom defected and became the heroes who would ultimately lead to the fall of Shocker."

Izuku Yagi: Kamen Rider OOOTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang