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the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time

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    I hope you liked this fanfic so far. I've worked hard on this for a long time. I have something to share that's been in my heart. You see, I thank God for this story because he gave me the inspiration and ideas when I didn't have any. I know there are way better fanfics out there than this and wondered if anyone would really read it, but I'm grateful anyway and will do what was put in my heart, so I'm giving the credit and glory to God; who saved me from all my fears and wrongs. I hope you get to know Him as much as I do, because he loves you a ton and is a great promise keeper.

We've all been bitten and consumed by the poison of sin in our lives, and the penalty of that is death. But Jesus came with a cure by taking all our sins to the cross to die with him, paying the full penalty upon himself instead of us. He came for those who are far away from Him - including you. He came for those who doesn't deserve his love, for those who aren't perfect. This is a truth that anyone can trust.

I pray and hope that whoever you are on the other side of this screen, that you give Jesus a chance in your life, because you matter to him a lot, and his love toward you is bigger than a blast of a supernova; which cannot be measured how high and how wide or how low it is - and if it can be measured, then how great is His love toward you! All these characters are amazing and lovable, but they can never love you back amazingly as much as God can, because He is real and authentic. If you don't believe me, just give Him a chance and find out. He loves you very much! 🤍:) anyway, now on with the story!

The day has finally come. You're already leaving, and everyone says their goodbyes, including Deku, who seemed happy, but kinda sad to see you leave. Ashido and some of the class wanted to see you depart at the airport and so they accompanied you. And of course, Bakugou came along too, even though he's trying not show that he cares so much, but he cared enough to show up to see you leave.

You can tell that your cousin was trying to keep his tears in. Putting your luggage down next to your feet, you embraced him in a hug to comfort him.

"A part of me doesn't want to leave either Kuku" you said gently into his ear. "It's okay to cry"

"O-okay.." Deku said, breaking into tears.

Oh brother

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Oh brother... Bakugou thought with an eye roll.

"My experience so far with you guys was amazing" You stopped hugging your cousin to face your friends, as Deku wiped the remaining tears away from his face. "Thanks for helping me out, I made some pretty great friends here, and what I mean by that I mean all of you"

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