Complements to them sexy ladies😏

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Okay Pretty Boys and Non binary Beautys

The next chapter will be out in a couple of hours

But in the mean time

Ladies i just have to say a couple of things to you-

1.The moon is the most divine of all light, but its the stars that make the night so beautiful. As for you darling, you are the most divine in my eyes but the stars in your eyes make you look beautiful.

2.When i say that you are beautiful, i don't mean just your appearance. I mean all of you from the top of you head where you hold your Crown to the bottom of your feet where you walk like a Queen

3. Your beauty Blinds me because it comes from your heart and i know its rude to stare but that beauty that you have is reflected in your eyes.



Thank you love

For reading this you made me Happy because your presence
Graced my book


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{Wednesday, May 11th 2022 1:15am}

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