After a couple of tries to make sure they looked cute but also not cute to the point that people would say that they were 'trying too hard.' Like that one time where they posted a picture at a party. Apparently their smile was too 'fake' and people claimed that Y/n was just trying to flex.

Since then, Y/n has been super aware of the way they smile.

'Ugh, there's like three more people before me.'

"Long wait, huh?"

Y/n's eyes widened for a second, turning back to see a ginger haired boy. His face was decorated with freckles. He had the description of what some would call a 'golden retriever boy', yet he seemed so off.

"Oh uh, yeah." Y/n laughed, clutching their phone hard and taking a step back slowly and secretly.

"Wow you're stunning..." The man said, reaching a hand out to touch Y/n. On instinct, The singer grabbed his wrist and suspended his hand from reaching towards them.

"I'm sorry, what do you want?" They asked, impatience lacing their tongue. The man only smiled, causing Y/n to feel even more irritation fill them. They let go of his hand, walking up so they can place their order.

'Fucking creep.'

Y/n quickly placed their order, taking note of the stare the man behind them was giving. They waited a couple of minutes, leaving the place as soon as possible.

Y/n let out a breath as they started their walk back, drinking out of their cup to calm themselves. Unfortunately though, it was short lived.

'He's following you.'

Y/n knew that voice all too well. Though, unlike before, this had felt much more natural.

Internally sighing, they turned the volume of their earbuds down completely. And sure enough, their were footsteps behind heads behind them. Clutching onto their drink, Y/n tried to stay as calm as possible.

'How the fuck am I going to fight back?'

Their thought process was interrupted by a hand on their shoulder. Y/n turned, eyes widened. Out of sheer surprise and panic, they threw their drink at the man, causing him to stumble back.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He screamed out, rubbing his eyes in a poor attempt to relieve his burning eyes. Y/n stood frozen, trying to contemplate what had just happened. Then, making sure no one was looking, drove their foot hard into their scrotum, making the man curl into a ball on the floor. The singer took this as an opportunity to run away, hoping that he wouldn't catch up anytime soon.

Once far away, they sighed, upset that they had wasted their drink like that. But the feeling was soon replaced by a form of proudness. Proud that they were able to take down the guy without help from Brian or anyone else. It felt somewhat euphoric knowing they had the ability to do something by themselves.

Finally getting back to the bus, Y/n was immediately met with Brian pacing back and forth, seemingly worried.

"Hi." Y/n said, stretching their limbs and putting their things on the counter. Brian turned his head and hugged them tightly, as if they'd vanish had he let go.

"Woah, didn't think you'd miss me so much." They chuckled out, wrapping their arms around his neck and resting their head against his chest.

"Holy shit I was worried sick, where the fuck were you?" He asked, the panic in his voice dying down. Y/n could hear his heartbeat. How fast it was beating. They couldn't tell if it was because he was holding them or because he was scared that Y/n was gone.

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