Chapter 14- Deepening Friendship

Start from the beginning

Her company had been bought by another entertainment company and I knew she was slightly stressed with the whole ordeal. It can't be easy having to acclimate and agree to new contracts and company life.


I then move on to Kai's text. We didn't text that much since Xiumin gave me his number, mostly because I wasn't really sure how to. We had only met in person once and I also liked to feel a person out in person before moving to communicate over technology. He seemed nice and was very keen on becoming friends with me, but I was just so shy and couldn't stop viewing this as though I was texting a senior in the industry and not a friend.

Kai: So how is the U.S. treating you?

Kai: We have a comeback in 5 days and then our tour starts on the 23rd, so things are pretty crazy here right now... wish our schedules would just line up so we could hang out in person, talking over texts is awkward lol

He was definitely right, this was awkward, but I admired his perseverance to get to know me even when I was probably being the most uncomfortable to text with.

Y/N: Wow, that does sound crazy! Jealous you get to tour though, hope it's not too exhausting! Don't forget to drink water and eat well 🙂

Y/N: The U.S. is... interesting. I'm learning a lot though and I'm enjoying the weather lol.

I go to text my sister back before pausing. I should probably text a bit more information for Kai, to give him something to text back about, and try to make it less awkward. I go back to his text messages.

Y/N: I'm actually getting coached by Coolio if you'll believe it. He's kinda strict, but really knows what he's doing so we're all learning a lot

Just as I sent the text, he texted back to my earlier texts.

He sent a picture of him with a water bottle with the text:

Kai: Already started 😊

Kai: And don't worry, you'll get to tour soon too!

There's a 5-second pause and then I get another text from him.

Kai: Omg, that's so cool! Now it's my turn to be jealous, maybe you could teach me what he teaches you when you get back :)

I giggle... why was I giggling, what was I? A 12-year-old girl texting her crush...

Y/N: I can try, but I'm not the best student, so no promises 😅

Kai: Ah, don't say that! I'm sure you're a great student! We've only really talked over text, and I already know you're really smart.

Kai: Here, what is your favourite book?

That was a hard question. I didn't really read books. I mostly read news articles, and some of those could get really long if they were investigative pieces. When I did read books, they were usually for school. I think back to all the books I've read and then my mind naturally goes to my mother who absolutely loved to read. I think of the first books we read together, the Harry Potter series. I felt however that if I answered with Harry Potter it would make me seem childish, but it was probably my favourite book series and if I wanted to be friends with him I should be honest.

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