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Charlotte pulls up on Bucky's bike, turning the engine off. It's almost sunset. She takes off her helmet and tucks it under her arm. Bucky is away on a mission for the next three days. Charlotte never got to thank Blade and Whistler for their help with the whole Caleb situation. She wants to make that right. She has a bottle of expensive whiskey in her backpack and a small silver bullet necklace that she had made for Blade. Charlotte climbs off of the bike and walks into the hideout. Immediately, Blade jumps down in front of her, his face menacing at first, but it softens when he sees her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to say thank you. Is Whistler here?"

Blade points behind him and crosses his arms over his chest. Charlotte smiles.

"You're a tough one to crack, Blade."


She smiles and digs the necklace out of her pocket, handing it to him.

"I got this made for you. I don't know if you wear jewelry, but if you need a spare bullet, I guess you could always take it off the chain and use it."

Charlotte presses it into his large hand and Blade's lips curl into a small smile. It's the closest he gets to saying thank you, and that's just fine by her. He glances up at her, softness in his features.

"Where's your fiancé?"

"Italy. Something about a rogue terrorist group. I was doing dishes while Sam and Bucky were talking about it."

"He's out of the vampire hunting business?"

"I think so," she laughs.

"Well, he wasn't great at it."

Charlotte bursts out laughing and Blade grins.

"I think he'd rather leave it to the professionals, but if you ever need a hand one night—"

"I'll call the Spider Kid," Blade quips.

Charlotte grins. Peter has been coming over here almost every night, helping out Whistler with tech and improving Blade's weapons.

They head inside. Whistler is at a table working on something, swearing away with a cigarette dangling from his mouth while music blares in the background.

"Whistler!" Blade calls as he hooks the necklace around his neck. Charlotte's heart almost explodes with glee. "We've got company."

Whistler glances up and smiles, taking his cigarette out and setting it down in the ashtray next to him.

"Hey, kiddo."

She walks toward him and wraps him in a huge hug. Whistler kisses her on the cheek. "How've you been?"

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