Chapter 11- American Hustle Life: Departure

Start from the beginning

Since my interview ended earlier than I expected it to, I went to the Big Hit lobby to finish some homework with Jungkook before we had our group practice.

"How did your interview go?" he asks, seeing me sitting down.

"I don't know, the producer seemed happy," I answer unsure, "but I think I go too deep in my answers".

"You go too deep with everything," I laugh, "we're literally 18, live a little Y/N," he jokes.

"I am!" I reply defensively, "you know what, I will act exactly like you on this show, will that make you happy?"

"And what do I act like," he questions, erasing one of his answers after seeing what I had written down.

"I don't know... you live free, non-caring, you have fun. I'm jealous of that sometimes, but I just can't seem to not be serious about stuff. It's annoying," I say pouting.

"It's not annoying, it's you," he says, patting my leg, "you just see life from a different angle and that's okay, especially when your angle is filled with a lot more obstacles than mine. But you should relax more from time to time," he says.

"Wow, who gave you that line?" I chuckle.

"Rap-monster-hyung," he laughs with me, "after we had that mega argument at ISAC".

"Ah, I see," I nod my head, reading the instructions for my next assignment.

April 29th, 2014:

We were on the plane going to LA to shoot American Hustle Life. Bang PD had gathered us before we left and informed us this was quite a big deal, we would be meeting some big names, we were spending a lot of money, and this opportunity was one we could not mess up.

I was sitting next to Seokjin and Sejin, away from the other 6 boys on the plane. I could hear Hoseok and the others talking about the US to the camera they had given him. It was quite amusing to listen to, and I knew what they were talking about. It must have been even funnier and weirder if someone didn't. Seokjin had also been given a camera and had just turned it on.

"So we're on the plane to the U.S. now," he says first after starting to record, "as you can see, Y/N and I are far away from the others," he says pointing the camera and zooming in on the boys farther up the isle joking around, "but we can make our own fun right Y/N?"

"Yes, of course!" I say confidently.

"Why don't you teach me some English since we're going to the USA?" Seokjin suggests.

"Sure, what do you want to learn?" I ask.

"What do you think I'll need to know?" he questions back.

I think, "ok what about 'do you speak Korean'" I laugh, "it's do you speak Korean"

"Ahhh, so 'do you speak Korean?'" he repeats a little unsure.

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