"Kazekage-dono as we have talked yesterday we are proposing to create a long term alliance that we have proposed to solidify through a political marriage between your sister Temari and Sasuke Uchiha from our side, the last loyal Uchiha and a clan head himself. The terms that we present to you are on the paper there." She said snapping her fingers as an ANBU handed Gaara a scroll which he handed to Temari knowing that she was the most ruthless negotiator the Sand had and was the reason of the strong alliances with the Spring and Wave. Temari took the scroll and started reading it and concentrated on each and every word as she saw that it was full of garbage pints where in between some there were some finely put in points that made her eyebrows furrow and she took a pencil from the table and started underlining those intelligently put in points in smart words that would be missed by anyone who didn't have the skills she had at negotiations. She finished reading and reread it to see if she hadn't misread anything and her blood boiled at seeing the fine points that were completely tilting the alliance in their favour. She handed the scroll to Gaara and gazed at the council who were all there with smiles plastered on their faces and she smiled back as she thought of the fools they were thinking they could outwit her and were thinking of them as stupid due to their young age. Gaara took the scroll and saw how much time it took Temari and started reading the small underlined sentences that she had marked and started reading over them and saw she had made some fine notes beside them.

The Leaf shall have a mutual alliance with the Wave and Spring and any other trading allies the Sand might come across in the future.

The Leaf shall share their information on seals with the Sand and the same shall be done from the side of the hidden sand village.

The security systems of the two villages shall be up to par with each other to show the strength of the villages to the enemies.

Missions from the trading partners shall be shared between the two villages to help solidify the alliance.

The Leaf shall provide the strength to the Sand in war times and the same shall be done from the side of the Sand village.

Temari shall have travelling rights to both the villages to travel freely but their children shall be complete citizens of the leaf. She shall provide with enough heirs to repopulate the Uchiha clan back to glory.

Both villages will share their strategic intel on common enemies and will exchange prisoners the other village requires for.

Leaf shall provide with its native resources and the same shall be done from the side of the Sand at a price pre-disclosed by the Leaf.

The Leaf will provide with the militaristic strength the Sand needs in times of extreme stressful situations.

The Leaf shall provide the Sand with some Medical knowledge to increase the medical prowess of the Sand.

Gaara clutched the scroll tightly in his hands as he read the fine notes written by his sister and turned to the elders smiled and gave them a death glare making them shiver. He was barely stopping himself from crushing the council in his Sand.

"So let me get this straight…" he said stoically as they listened carefully. "… The Leaf gets our prowess in seals and our Security system and barrier skills, our missions and our trade alliances with our allies, my sister's hand in marriage to the last Uchiha who you are planning for breeding purposes, our resources at pre-disclosed prices." He finished as Tsunade was wide eyed and slammed her hand on her desk startling the council.

"None of these points were discussed with me. How dare you change and add so many points without my permission?" she asked coldly as the whole council shivered from the killing intent she released and Koharu tried to calm the situation down.

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