The Carpenters Hands

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There once was a little house built with foolish hands, put together and framed on the sand. It was lost in the world and stood weak in its place, so begins my story of the carpenter's hands and his amazing grace. This little house possessed no beauty and sand made up all of his lands, But he was surrounded by mighty houses built by the carpenter's hands. These great houses stood firm on the foundations of rock, you could see the love and care in every board and block. These great houses were beautiful and most graciously blessed, it was in the love and care of their builder they found their rest. The little house was filled with cheap things its walls were bare, All the floors were unswept its keeper had taken no care. Then one day the sun faded and a storm came ever so violent, fearful, and weak the little house trembled and remained silent. The thunder crashed and the lightning crisscrossed the night, the rain came in floods and the clouds blocked out all the light. The winds were gusting his shingles were ripping, trim was being torn off and the paint was chipping. The lighting grew closer with every blue streak, his roof was sagging and began to leak. Boards were flying thru the air there was nothing left of his deck, and the floors were cracking it wasn't long before this house was soon a wreak. All the windows were broken his shutters were gone, incomplete fear and silence he stood there alone. The storm raged on and the storm was just too much, the little house could not stand under the storm's deadly touch. The little house lost all its strength and it crumbled and fell, and great was his fall from the storm's fury and hell. Other houses offered no help but looked on in disgust, but a few prayed for there was one they could trust. Then it was thru the storm that he heard a strange but friendly voice, explaining to the little house he had a choice. He told him that he could give up and lay broken in that sand, or he could call on the carpenter and his loving hand. He will rebuild you and not worry his labor is free, I should know his loving hands came back and rebuilt me. Call him and from the rooms of your heart confess, that he is the only true rebuilder and he will do the rest. In pieces and sinking further and nearing his last breath, he called on that carpenter to save him from certain death. And then he no longer felt brittle and cold but safe and warm, there was no more fear or one sign of that storm. He felt a sense of hope and peace filling every room, there was no more air of darkness and impending doom. Then he heard a knock at what was left of his broken door, and in came a man and set his tools on the floor. I'm the carpenter the one that you called on, and I came because I see worth in this little home. You are a wreak I know but I dearly love what I see, and I will save you if only you will trust me. Having tried all else to be beautiful the little house agreed, to follow the carpenter to wherever he may lead. First, let's move you off all this sand, to a foundation of rock I prepared by my hand. I'm rebuilding you with these blueprints I drew, for long before you called on me I knew you. And so it was he would cut and saw often stopping to measure, he regarded the little house like a magnificent treasure. The carpenter labored hard until the edge of night, it was then the little house slept while all was quiet. Sleep was restless and when he awoke his sight was dim, but he recognized the carpenter watching over him. The little house asked how come you do not sleep, he said I am like the shepherd and you are my lost sheep. Besides, you seem to sigh today when the girders were put in place, and before you fell asleep I noticed the tears on your face. I saw the heaviness of dust around your heart, and I didn't want you to awaken in fear and fall apart. So I stayed up to shoulder the girders and dry your tears, sweep around your heart and calm all your fears. And it was then he slept under the stars above, in the carpenter's comfort and love. The carpenter was lowly gentle and meek, this is how he labored week after week. The little house felt uncomfortable and started to complain, the carpenter said it was these nails I drove that are causing your pain. But these nails will make you strong and secure every part, but it is because I love you that some may pierce your heart. I've always known how many nails would do, and I know just how much suffering and sorrow is good for you. So there is no need to fear I'm making you a beautiful sight, and all this work will give you strength and might. And so then the little house became pliable and began to bend, under the carpenter's hammer and all the nails it would soon send. The weeks turned into years the little house was complete, and the carpenter had accomplished an amazing feat. After that, no one recognized that little house anymore, beautiful he was from its roof to his floor. His foundation was dug deep and framed on rock, the finest wood was used and marble for the block. No expense on that little house did he spare, all anyone could do is stand in awe and stare. The little house finial found its true fate, and against all the odds something great. The carpenter then spoke I've added extra space, for all the great treasures I've put in your place. I have given you treasures that thieves cannot steal, I made you perfect in every good work for my will. I've given you riches that cannot be destroyed by moth and rust, and I gave you a heart filled with love you should always trust. I have made you beautiful for the whole world to see, so let your light shine so you may glorify me. I made you strong so when the rivers of life rise, you will always stand firm and choose wise. I must go now and let you stand on your own, but don't worry you are never left alone. Remember me telling you about the shepherd and the sheep, my eyes are on you when you are awake or asleep. Then he was gone as quickly as he had came, but the little house felt his presence all the same. That little house was saved and made beautiful out of disaster, in silence with reverence he knew that the carpenter was the master. And he promised to worship and obey all his commands, that little house was forever in the palm of the carpenters hands. The End. Jeffery Parrett

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