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I had just finished unpacking all of my stuff after Mr. Okumura showed me to my room. I was staying on the floor below them. They were in 602 and I was in 500. I found my room to be rather spacious as I didn't share with anyone so there was only one bed and one desk.

Better call Bon.

Just as I went to pick up my phone to call him, I was already receiving a call from him.

"Hey, (Y/N)."

"Good afternoon!"

"So, where have they stuffed you?" He joked.

"Well, I don't you if you'll be mad or not but I won't lie. There was no space in the girls dorm as I signed up late so I have to stay in the semi-abandoned block with Rin and Mr. Okumura," I blurted out rather quickly.

"You're what?!" He shouted.

"Don't be mad! It's not me who assigns the dorms, you know!" I defended myself.

"I know, (Y/N), sorry. But...I just. Oh god," I could practically envision him rubbing his temples furiously, "I hate Rin so much. Don't you dare let him try anything on you. Mr. Okumura's fine but watch out for Rin," Bon warned.

"Bon, please. I've been here for less than twenty-four hours. He probably doesn't even know I exist. Trust me, I can handle myself," I tried to assure him.

"Okay." He replied after a rather long pause.

"I'm going to get my dinner now, and then I'm going to bed but I'll get you in the morning before class!" I said brightly, trying to cheer him up. He was always so serious.

"Okay, catch you later, (Y/N)," and with that he hung up.


In my adventure of seeking out the cafeteria, I ended up in a 20 minute shit storm of cobwebs and narrow hallways. I eventually located it and took note that it was actually only about five doors away from my room.

I walked up to the booth where I assumed there would be some sort of cook but what I was greeted with shocked me.

"Oh, hey, (Y/N)," said Rin, clad in an apron with his hair pinned back alongside some sort of demon.

"Wow! Be careful, there's a demon there!" I shuddered, fearing for my own life.

"What? Where? Oh! This is just Yukobach. He helps us cook!" Rin beamed.

I gave him my best 'are you actually joking me' look before coming closer to the kitchen again.

"So...whatcha makin'?" I said, peeking over Rin's shoulder.

"Well I knew you were staying here so I decided to go for a safe option and went with chicken stir fry because no one can resist my stir fry," Rin said confidently.

"Oh, is that so? I guess I'll have to put you to the test," I joked along with him.


Rin and I ate dinner opposite each other and talked away about school and Mr. Okumura and how suckish having to get up early was. I was forever late to everything. Rin decided to leave Mr. Okumura's dinner in the fridge as he was on some sort of exorcist mission.

"You know, you can call him Yukio," Rin said chewing his food.

"But he's my teacher, isn't that too informal?" I mused.

"Not really. I mean, he's our age. Maybe just call him Mr. Okumura in class," he advised me and I agreed.

There was a brief silence whilst Rin and I ate and then he picked up conversation again.

"So, like, I had no idea Bon had a sister," he said.

"Oh, yeah...that," I blushed. I felt a bit embarrassed and flustered around Rin because I wasn't entirely sure how to act. After my phone call with Bon, it felt like I was affiliating with an enemy.

"He's a really cool guy but he doesn't like me. At all. Doesn't take a moron to recognise that," he joked half-heartedly.

"Don't say that, you're not a moron. I'm sure he likes you. Maybe he just feels threatened by you," I said in attempt to make him feel better.

He puffed out his chest a little with pride and said, "Yeah, I guess so. I would feel threatened by my strength and wit," he joked, flexing his arm muscles making me giggle.

"This will be a fun year with you, I can tell," I said after my laughing calmed down a little.

"I agree, but as of right now I am going to hit the showers and then bed. I'll catch up with you tomorrow, (Y/N)," he said and pointed his fingers at me as he was walking away.

"Yeah, sure! See you tomorrow!" I trailed off as he walked away.

[A/N: Two parts in one night! I know there's not a whole lot of romance as of right now but we'll get there. I like to take things gradually and if that's not your style I'm sorry! Thanks for reading :) - Sizzlesnowflake]

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