004 ─ Persistent

Start from the beginning

" Ooh! Ooh! I wanna ride that rollercoaster over there, Zhongli!! "
Hu Tao shouted as she points to a certain ride

" Haah.. "
Zhongli sighed, looking slightly terrified

" Qiqi thinks the ride is too big.. "
Qiqi said, hugging onto Zhongli

" Looks just fine? "
Xiao said, while running towards the ride

" Party poopers!! "
Hu Tao shouted, having her tongue out and walking backwards

" Why don't we get something to eat? "

Zhongli said as he turns to look at Qiqi

Zhongli and Qiqi proceeded to walk to the food booths to get some snacks to eat before going on any rides.
Xiao was in a line to ride a rollercoaster, he was supposed to be with Hu Tao but she arrived late and ended up being behind a few people behind Xiao.

Xiao kept looking behind him to check on Hu Tao but eventually he got to the seats of the rollercoaster, right as he stepped in and sat down, the same stranger from yesterday was sitting right next to him. Both of them stared at each other until the noise of the rollercoaster moving startled them.

After the ride, they both separated and didn't bother to greet each other, Xiao was slightly disappointed but he shrugged it off.

" Xiao, did you hear me scream?! Aside from that, I think I'll have to take my ears to the funeral parlor.. "
Hu Tao says, while having her hands covering her ears

" Heh. "
Xiao chuckled, looking back at Hu Tao

" What's that 'heh' for?! I bet you felt at least a little scared. "
Hu Tao argued as she crosses her arms

" Whatever you say.. Let's go meet up with Zhongli and Qiqi. "

Xiao responded while slowly walking away

The duo met up with the other, they all decided to share some cotton candy and a few other foods you'd find at an amusement park.

An hour or two passed, this time, Xiao was taking Qiqi to a ride while Zhongli was with Hu Tao. Both Xiao and Qiqi decided to go on the ferris wheel, by then they were waiting in the line to ride the ferris wheel. When Xiao went to step into the ferris wheel car, he was stopped by the person guarding the ferris wheel.

" Only 2 people per car. "

Xiao got slightly confused and turned to look inside the car, there was the stranger he saw earlier again. Therefore, Qiqi was pulled back by the person and Xiao had to get into the car since he was holding up the line.

Both the stranger and Xiao were acting awkward and avoided eye contact, none of them spoke until the stranger did.

" Hello! I- we've met a couple times haven't we? Ehe, funny coincidence that were in the same car, isn't it? "
The boy with braids said while chuckling

" I uh.. Sure. "
Xiao responded, his cheeks turned red by the awkwardness between them

" Oh look! We're going higher! "

The boy shouted while looking out the window

They surpassed the first loop and were on the second one, it was all going well until the ferris wheel suddenly stopped. This was very unfortunate for both Xiao and the stranger because they both ended up at the very top of the ferris wheel.

Everyone was panicking and the ones whom were the closest to the ground immediately walked out, the stranger looked out at the window and slightly whimpered. He accidentally fell onto Xiao, pushing Xiao aside on the other side of the seat.

" Ah! I'm so sorry!! "
The stranger's face was as red as a strawberry, he quickly turned away from Xiao to avoid more embarrassment

" I- it's okay. "
Xiao responded as his cheeks turned into the slightest tint of red

" I hope we'll get out soon.. I wonder how this even happened? "
The stranger spoke up, looking out the window

" Yeah.. "

They both stood in silence for hours, and suddenly the stranger rested his head on Xiao's shoulder
" Tired, isn't he? " Xiao thought. Though, he didn't mind having his head on his shoulder, he felt quite at ease.
Eventually Xiao as well began to doze off, he rested his head on the other's.

Two hours later, their car in the ferris wheel began to move back down and once it hit the ground, Zhongli quickly ran into the car and saw the duo sleeping soundly.

" Xiao..? "

Zhongli spoke softly

All the noise woke up Xiao, he was half awake and saw Zhongli in front of the car, he wanted to move but the stranger was still resting on his shoulder so he decided to stay for a little while.

" And who may this be? "
Zhongli asked, looking at the stranger

" Well, long story short.. "
Xiao responded

" XIAOOO!! "
A younger girl shouted and ran straight into Zhongli

" Hu Tao, be careful! "
Zhongli said, while being shoved by Hu Tao

" Thank the archons you're okay Xiao! "
Hu Tao sighed in relief

" Yeah. "

All of Hu Tao's shouting woke up the stranger and he was startled by Hu Tao and Zhongli staring at him. He quickly held onto Xiao's arm.

" Heh- hello! "
He spoke

" Hi!! You look like someone I know. "
Hu Tao responded

" So do you.. "

The stranger said, squinting

The stranger turned his head to look back at Xiao and quickly moved away from the position.

He immediately ran out of the car and slowly walked away.

" Well- bye bye!! "
Hu Tao shouted

" Bye!! "
The stranger shouted back while walking and looking back at Hu Tao

" Crazy day huh? "
Hu Tao said, looking at Xiao with a smug face

" Shut up! "
Xiao stammered as his cheeks turned red

" Alright, let's get home. I think I've had enough of amusement parks today. "
Zhongli spoke up, carrying Qiqi and walking away from the car

" Yes sir! "

Hu Tao said boldly, following along Zhongli

Xiao quickly got up and followed the others. They all went back home and went straight lying onto the couch.

" Today- was a crazy day.. "
Xiao said, thinking about the stranger

" Sure was.. "

Hu Tao agrees while yawning

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