Chapter 8

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Luna seem not listening of Armin talking with Mikasa and Connie as she look at Eren. She was feel alive when she saw Eren. She want to cry but she held it as she know that was not a right time. She then heard about what Armin said of Eren's titan. She quickly stand by Armin's side. "I think that Armin was right. We can use that titan as our card to survive. This is only one way to get us save. We should try use him as our protector from other titans. This is only our chance to survive, Connie." Said Luna in confident tone. Connie just lost his word before he sigh weakly. He know that nothing he can do since Luna make a decision. Just like her older sister, Lucy. "Fine. We will follow Armin's plan. I hope our plan work, Luna." Said Connie as he look at Luna, Armin and Mikasa.

Luna just nodded her head before she follow Armin. Meanwhile, Jean had leading them to the headquarters as he kill titans who get in his way. Lucy had bring two person who ran out of gas while Marco help her to make sure that Lucy safe. Most of the cadets manage to reach the building, with a few dying, and break in to the upper levels by crashing through the window panes. Jean notices a couple of members of the supply squad and punches one of them for abandoning everyone outside. Lucy quickly stop him as he get pulled away by Lucy. Lucy glare at Jean. "Stop it, Jean! They're scared, that's all. You can't blame them for abandoning us since they scared. You're also scared too when you not doing anything to save other people. See and observe the situation that they have. Now, boy. Where's Gray? I know he was here in this headquarters. Where is he?" Said Lucy as she look at the coward boy who in the floor.

Jean was look down as he get insulted by Lucy. The boy told Lucy where Gray which she leave them. Jean tried to call her but Titans begin to break through the windows. The cadets evacuate to the HQ interior, but Jean loses heart as he questions the ability of humanity to challenge such huge monsters. At that moment, a fist enters Jean's view and he sees the mysterious Titan punch the Titans attacking the HQ to the ground as it lets out a tremendous roar. Luna, Mikasa, Conny, and Armin successfully make it to the HQ as they point out the Titan's instinct to ignore humans and target other Titans. Jean was relief to see Luna safe from death. Jean and the other cadets are mystified, but Mikasa states that they will be able to use this habit to their advantage and get everyone out alive as the rogue prepares to engage more Titans around the building. Using an arm lock, it throws a large Titan against a small group of other Titans before roaring again and charging at another one. It quickly punches the jaw off of this one and kicks a couple of smaller Titans that get in its way. Luna was smile a little before she look at them. Luna had noticed that Lucy not here which she know where she going.

Using this as a distraction, the cadets commandeer the lift to reach the gas supply room on the ground floor. Reiner questions Conny on what they know about this Titan, but Conny says they can talk after they escape, to which Reiner agrees. Luna was scowl as she know what he thinking about. Jean brings in some old firearms and Armin lays out their plan of action to take out the seven 3-4 meter Titans currently infesting the supply room. By using the guns to blind the Titans, the most physically capable soldiers can leap down from the rafters and dispatch all the Titans simultaneously. Although Armin harbors doubts about the plan, everyone agrees that it is the best thing available and Mikasa further reassures Armin by telling him that his plans have saved her, Luna, Gray, Lucy and Eren's lives before.

Gray was in another hand had been killing all the titans by himself until Lucy come over him. "Gray, I think that's enough killing them. Everyone already here and you already know what happen to Eren, right?" Said Lucy calmly as she look at Gray. Gray was sigh as he put his blade back before look at Lucy. He sigh lowly since he know what happen to Eren. "Yeah, I know what happen to him, Lucy. But don't worry about it. He's still alive. I guess that we have to go back at them. Is Mikasa alright, Lucy?" Asked Gray with a concern face. Lucy was smirk at him make him feel embarrass at himself. "Yeah, she's fine. Don't worry, Gray. You can meet her after this. Let's go, Gray." Said Lucy as they leave find them. Gray just follow Lucy anyway.

The lift is ready and everyone gets into position on the lift or in the rafters. A bit of humor results as Reiner tells Conny that the second Titan weak spot is a sword "up their ass." As expected, the Titans begin to close in on the human concentrated lift and when they are closest, are exposed to the devastating volley of gunfire to their eyes. At that moment, Mikasa, Reiner, Annie, Bertholdt, Jean, Conny, and Sasha leap from the rafters and kill their designated Titan. However, Sasha and Conny fail and Mikasa and Annie come to their rescue. Reiner comments that he is happy Annie was not hurt in the attack. The cadets, although shaken, are elated as the supply room is cleared and begin refueling their gas tanks. Mikasa, Luna and Armin saw Lucy come with Gray. Mikasa seem relieved to see Gray come out safety without any injuries.

Lucy told them to leave the headquarters which they obey her. Then Lucy saw Luna, Mikasa and Gray were in the rooftop as she know what happen. She had ignore Jean talking to Annie, Reiner and Belthodt about Eren's titan. Lucy saw Luna look at Eren. She was understand her feeling. Then Armin spots the Abnormal that killed Thomas to which the mysterious Titan angrily bounds toward, losing both arms in the process, and slays the abnormal by biting fiercely into its neck. The Titan then lifts the Titan's corpse-turned-weapon, and crush the Titans pursuing it, before sending the body and another Titan flying into a house. Grimly, Jean asks which Titan needed help, but then the mysterious Titan lets out one final roar before falling to the ground. Jean remarks that it probably ran out of strength, and turns to leave, but the others look speechlessly at the Titan's corpse as a figure removes itself from the nape of the neck.

The figure who emerges is Eren, unconscious but alive. While the others are in shock, Luna quickly going down and running over Eren before she hugging him. She then listen to his heartbeat and feel his alive make her crying loudly. The scene shifts to Stationary Guard spotter monitoring the situation in Trost before turning back to the top of the supply HQ, where Jean, Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Mikasa, Gray, Lucy, Luna and Eren are now present. Armin notices Eren has regenerated his missing limbs, but questions arise, as he saw Eren get eaten. He grips Eren's hand and breaks down into tears as well. Jean, one of the speechless spectators, realizes something and turns around. He observes the disintegrating corpses of the Titans and realizes that Eren was the cause of it all. Lucy was smile at Luna knowing how much she love Eren before she look at the sky. Her face had changed as she know what happen next. She need to do something about it.

'I need to do something. I have to prevent Eren from getting killed by that coward. I won't let him!' - Lucy

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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