Chapter 9

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Please get me out of my house right now. Like right now. I hate this. I'm scared. Jeez. Okay, just please enjoy this new chapter :)


Chapter 9

(Leilani's POV)

"So how much longer until we get to London?" I asked Zayn. We were at a restaraunt at about 22:00. I brought the clothes Susan had given me, and I was glad I did. I got pie all over the shirt I was wearing. I wasn't paying attention, and I was tired. Sitting on a motorcycle for two hours wasn't exactly all that fun.

"Just another hour. Are you sore from the bike?" Zayn asked me, eating ice cream.

"A little," I admitted. He gave me a sympathetic smile, and continued eating the ice cream.

"It's alright. If you makes you feel any better, maybe we could get you a sidecar," Zayn winked at me. I just slapped his arm playfully and laughed. I imagined people giving us looks as we went down the road. Zayn on the bike, and me in the sidecar. They would probably think we were mental.

"Are you all finished?" I asked him. He nodded, and pulled out the notes to pay for the meal. It was quite delicious. Pretty soon, we would be in London. We walked outside, and I got a call from my mum.

"Hey, sweetie. Where are you?"

"Pretty close to London. I still don't know where we're going to stay for the night."

"It's alright. I called your uncle, and he's expecting you tonight."

"Okay, thanks, mum. How is it back in Bradford?"

"Still scary. The police actually came and shut off Bradford. Nobody in or out. I'm so sorry, but I won't be able to join you in London until the gang is completely caught. I think we should move back."

"As long as you're safe. How is Zayn's mum and sisters? I think he would like to know."

"Better than me, actually. They know about Zayn and the crowd he hangs out with, and know what to do in this situation. Tell him that they said that they don't want him to come back, and that they'll meet him in London as well."

I turned to Zayn, and put my hand on the speaker so my mum didn't have to hear.

"Your family is going to join us in London when they can," I said to Zayn. He nodded, and smiled. I went back to my call with my mum.

"Are you going okay, though?"

"Yeah, mum, I'm doing fine. Zayn's protecting me."

"Thank God for Zayn. I honestly am still worried about you. I guess you're in good hands, though. Remember, no funny business."

"Mum! I know!"

"Alright. Well, I have to go to bed. Goodnight, sweetie, I love you."

"I love you, too, mum. Goodnight."

Zayn got on the bike, and gave me my helmet. I got on, and wrapped my arms around his toned chest and stomach as he took off. I felt my hair flying behind me, and I rested my head on Zayn's back. I saw through the little helmet windshield, and the peacefulness of the scenery calmed me. Soon, I had dozed off. I dreamt of Zayn and I in London. Maybe we could actually live in the same flat. After all, who knows if Andrew is going to come back for us.

All too soon, we were going through the streets of London. It was just how I remembered it. I knew every corner of London by heart. After all, I had lived there my entire life. I was giving Zayn directions to my uncle's flat, and we finally got there without trouble. He lives in a really nice flat, and I have a good bond with my uncle. I knew it was going to be great.

We knocked on the door, and there was my uncle.

"Hey, Lilo!" he called. He gave me one of his engulfing hugs, and I took in the familiar smell coming from his flat. Oh, did I mention that my nickname is London was Lilo?

"Lilo?" Zayn asked, confused. He wasn't in on my nickname.

"I'll explain later," I told him.

"So, I'm guessing that you're Zayn," my uncle greeted.

"That's me," Zayn shook his hand.

"You can just call me Jim," he said. Zayn nodded, and we went in. "Hey, Lilo, I have some clothes from the last time you were here, but it isn't enough if you're going to stay here awhile. Maybe you two can go shopping together tomorrow."

"Sounds good. Do you happen to have pajamas?" I asked my uncle.

"I do! You used to wear this large t-shirt and shorts, and I think I still have both," he left for a quick second, then came back with a long tie dyed shirt and a pair of grey shorts that I recognized. I thanked him, and went into the guest room that I had slept in so many times before. I noticed that there was an air mattress on the floor for Zayn, and he gladly lay down on it.

"I like your uncle," Zayn said. I smiled.

"He has that affect on people," I giggled. Zayn just nodded. I moved into the bathroom to shower and change into the pajamas given to me. When I came out, Zayn was waiting. He was holding some folded up clothes. "Where'd you get those?"

"Your uncle lended them to me," he smiled. I just put my long hair into a messy bun, and sat down on the bed, and crawled under the covers. I found an iPod wall charger there, so I used it to charge my iPhone. I scrolled through my Wattpad app, and saw that almost every story or fanfiction that I had saved to read was updated. I read through, and enjoyed every last bit of it. What? I read fanfiction. Sue me.

Zayn came out, and I didn't realize it, so he looked over my shoulder.

"What are you looking at?" he asked me, and it almost made me scream. He frightened me.

"Just reading," I mumbled.

"Reading what?" he asked.

"If I tell you, you have to swear that you won't laugh," I pointed a finger at him.

"I won't," Zayn put up his hands in surrender. I looked left then right for effect.

"Fanfictions," I whispered.

"What's that?" he asked me. WHAT?!

"You don't know what fanfictions are?" I asked in disbelief.

"Nope," he shrugged.

"Well, when people ship something, they write fiction stories about the two people who they want to date. Then, there's another fanfiction type. They could write fiction stories about a charater or celebrity and a character that they make up. It's pretty cool, actually," I explained quickly.

"Wow, that actually does sound cool," Zayn admitted. I was shocked. Zayn didn't seem like the type to care for fanfictions. "Who are you reading about?"

"Well, I'm reading a couple. One about Justin Bieber, another about Ariana Grande, and my favorite one isn't really a fanfiction. It's a story. It's about a girl who is an archer. She hates love. Hates it. But, she ends up finding it accidentally in a boy that she was going to shoot with an arrow. He loves her back. The thing that drives me crazy, though, is that they don't know how the other person feels," I explained. It was my favorite story. It was so addicting, and I loved it.

"That actually sounds really good. Do you mind if I read it?" Zayn asked. I nodded, and handed him my iPhone.

"I'm going to sleep, Zayn. Read all you want, just don't waste all of the battery," I mumbled as I turned over to sleep. I slept easily, but in the middle of the night, I woke up. I turned over to see Zayn still reading the fanfictions, and in his eyes, I saw how interested he was. His eyes were wide and eager. I just smiled. Who knew that Zayn Malik liked fanfictions?


Haha! How cute! If I ever find a guy that likes fanfictions, we will totes read fanfics together, and I shall have him read my fanfictions xD LOL like I'll ever find a man like that. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it. Vote, Share, Comment! Goodnight, peeps B)



She's Not Afraid - A Zayn Malik FanFictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن