Ph3 Ch29: Introductions and Reunions

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Mono's eyes fluttered open. Everything was blurry, his body felt sore, and his voice hurt. He rolled over on his chest, and tried to push himself off the ground. Instead, he fell back on the ground, not having the strength he needed to get up.

"Here, let me help you."

Mono looked up, and saw a boy in a blue shirt with white tints in his hair. There was some kind of winged red bug flying around him. Mono couldn't help but think he'd seen this boy before. He reached his hand up to the boy's, and he pulled him up to his feet.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked.

"Yeah, just... just a little sore," Mono said in a hoarse voice.

"You sound like you've been screaming at the top of your lungs for the past ten minutes."

"Well... something like that."

The boy paused, and started staring at Mono.

"Have we met before? You look familiar," he said.

"I don't think so, but you do seem familiar," Mono said.

"I'm Seven," the boy said.

"I'm Mono."

"Have you finished conversing, glitch?" A female voice said.

Mono looked, and saw a bug with wearing a burgundy cloak, two tall white horns, holding a needle, and looking a bit taller than the knight.

"Glitch?" Mono asked.

"If you're finished, then we need to look for your friends. The Lady's spell should be removed by now," the female bug said.

"Um, I'm sorry, who are you?"

"I am Hornet, princess of Deepnest," she said. "But Introductions will have to wait. Soul! Can your friend spot where ghost and the girl are?"

"I'm sure he can, but please stop calling me soul. My name is Seven," Seven replied.

"Ghost? Don't you mean the knight?" Mono asked.

"Save your questions for later, glitch," Hornet instructed.

"Does she come up with nicknames for everyone?" Mono asked.

"Well she's been calling me, "soul", and the Grimmchild, "imp" this whole time, so yeah," Seven replied.

Suddenly, the Grimmchild started chirping, and spitting fireballs into the air. Hornet followed its beacon, and Seven helped Mono follow her. Once there, Mono saw the knight, and Six's monster from sleeping on the floor, surrounded by dream catcher particles. Slowly, Six's body began to shrink, and untwist. As she did, the walls of the room slowly faded away to reveal an almost pitch black room. Six suddenly returned to normal, and she and the knight woke up.

The knight stood up first, and was instantly swarmed by the Grimmchild. It flew around it, happily chirping. It nuzzled up against the knight, and it responded by patting the Grimmchild's head.

Mono looked at Seven, whose mouth was gaping open.

"You... You're the original bearer of the Grimmchild!" He suddenly shouted.

The knight looked at Seven, and the Grimmchild flew to him.

"Oh my! Sorry, I've just really wanted to meet you because I thought you could help with the Ritual, and give me a bit of help with the Grimmchild, oh! I've been taking care of this little guy while you've been gone. I hope you don't mind," Seven said.

The knight walked up the Seven, and gave him a slight bow.

"Um... what is it doing?" Seven asked.

"It's thanking you, and showing you respect for taking care of the Grimmchild," Mono explained.

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