Buggy The Clown

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I don't own anything but my oc enjoy.


3rd Person POV

Kai and Nami walked their way towards the bar in the center of town. Well, to be fair, it was more like Nami was walking Kai. The boy was currently tied up, with ropes wrapped to and fro around his torso in a tight set of knots.

Nami had concocted this plan, though Kai wasn't sure why. He told her he could kick all their asses himself, but she wasn't sure about that. Buggy was a big-time pirate in these parts, and although she had seen a little of what Kai had accomplished, and even a little of what his devil fruit could do, she didn't want to take any chances.

The plan was to convince Buggy that she was giving her boss up, so she could get her hands on his treasure when his guard was down. After, she'd help free Kai and they'd get the hell outta there.

As they approached the bar, a lookout called out from the roof.

Man: Captain Buggy! It's that girl! She's returned with someone else!

A host of circus-themed pirates quickly exited the bar, encircling the two to provide no route escape, growling and grumbling as they did so.

Man 2: What should we do Captain?

Man 3 Let's kill 'em and be done with it!" another called out.

???: Stand down everyone!

A voice called out from within the bar. Those near the doorway made way, and a new man appeared. He was wearing traditional pirate garb mixed in with a clown theme. An orange Captain's jacket laid on his back, and his head was adorned by a pirate cap of the same color. His face bore two intersecting bones. His most distinguishing feature however was the bright red nose.

Buggy: So girlie, why have you come back to us? And why shouldn't I kill you, right where you stand? Gyahahahaha!

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Buggy: So girlie, why have you come back to us? And why shouldn't I kill you, right where you stand? Gyahahahaha!

Nami: Permission to come aboard, Captain! I've had some, creative differences, with my bonehead boss here, and have decided to give him up to you. Please let me join your crew!

She even held out the sea chart she had stolen as a peace offering.

Crowd: WHAT?!

Yells and calls were given out, questioning Nami, as well as declaring her an enemy that could not be trusted.

Buggy: Silence you fools!

Turning back to Nami.

Buggy: Well, this does sound… interesting…. Hmmmmm… Why not? Welcome aboard! Men! Let's celebrate!

His men looked about for a moment before cheering loudly, excited at the prospect of another party.

Nami smirked to herself. Yes! She thought. Now to get my hands on his treasure, get that chart back, and get the hell out of here. I'll play it cool first, and the second he lets his guard down, I'll be outta here!

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