Feng Zheng flipped through the menu, looked at him with a smile, and said casually: "How can two men not be romantic?" WWhy

smiled and didn't say no.

He was becoming more and more helpless against Feng Zheng. When they first met, Feng Zheng did not love to take care of him, he naturally maintained the courtesy that should be between alumni and colleagues, but after gradually getting acquainted, Feng Zheng inadvertently discovered his sexual orientation, and he very frankly said that his sexual orientation would not affect their friendship and work. Although he had some hazy good feelings for Feng Zheng at that time, it was only a good feeling, just like the good feelings of normal men for the nature of the excellent opposite sex, and there was no out of the ordinary thoughts.

But I don't know when it started, the two became more and more delicate, Feng Zheng sometimes made some unclear moves, making him a natural GAY is difficult not to think about, but when he tried, Feng Zheng would retract, after a few times, he felt that Feng Zheng did all this may be out of novelty, for an eighteen or nineteen-year-old teenager, harmless ambiguity is just a spice of life, especially with the same sex, Without responsibility, and fresh and interesting, maybe you can also show your personality.

After figuring out this, he tried his best to restrain his imagination of Feng Zheng, he talked less, thought a lot, and always did things cautiously, and the two maintained a good friendship relationship, but they were also comfortable with each other.

The two of them enjoyed this dreamlike scenery while eating, which was very pleasant.

When I was about to finish eating, the song changed in the box, so as soon as I heard the melody, it was particularly familiar, and it was quickly determined that it was Song Juhan's song.

Feng Zheng didn't hear it at first, until Song Juhan's unique voice came out, and he was stunned.

Why pretend not to hear, and continue to talk about the company.

Feng Zheng put down his fork: "How about you see Song Juhan today?" <

Why avoid the weight and said lightly: "It's okay, he's quite busy, after two sentences of chat you will call." "He

didn't say anything, did he?" Feng Zheng stared into He's eyes, and his eyes were a little deep.

Why did I think about it: "What do you mean?" "About


"Oh... He said that you had a good relationship when you were young, and when you grew up, you were estranged because you were always compared. Feng Zheng seemed

relieved: "Well, no way, the age is almost the same, the comparison is inevitable." Why

has never liked to explore the privacy of others, Feng Zheng does not say, he will not ask more.

The two no longer spoke about Song Juhan, although the atmosphere in the box was a little strange before the end of the song.

Half a month later, when he gradually forgot about his personal relationship with Song Juhan, he unexpectedly received a call from a big star.

Looking at the caller ID on the screen, he was very surprised, he thought that Song Juhan's kindness to him, saying please eat or something, was just some scenes, in fact, after that day, he did not think of seeing Song Juhan again.

Why grabbed his phone and left the office, walked into the corridor, and pressed the call button with some trepidation: "Hello? "Why

?" Song Juhan's voice came from the microphone, and after the transmission of radio waves, the charm of his voice had been weakened by half, but it was still straight to the heart.

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