I See the Light

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It had been about three weeks since Chotu broke up with Doretha and Guillermo came to the United States. It was now July 10, 2014, and the two families were at Victor's house, getting together.

"So, how do you like Orchid Bay, Guillermo?" Elena asked.

"Me gusta," Guillermo smiled.

"You know, mijo, you and Doretha have spent a lot of time together," Enrique said. "You have fun when you're at work together, and when you're not working, you enjoy getting to know each other. Since you both have tomorrow off, why don't you go on a date?"

Guillermo and Doretha were surprised, but when they looked at each other, all they could do was smile.

"Sounds good," Guillermo smiled.

"What are you planning on doing?" Victor asked.

"There's a dance party at the Orchid Mall to celebrate its 50th anniversary," Doretha said.

"Great," Guillermo smiled.

Suddenly, Doretha's cell phone rang. "Oh, excuse me," she said sheepishly.

"It's okay," Guillermo said.

Doretha took her cell phone out. "Hello?" she answered. "This is she. Really? Oh, I completely forgot about that."

"What's wrong, Dorie?" Daniela asked.

"Can you hold please?" Doretha asked. "I need to talk this over with my family. Okay, thanks." She put her phone on silent and said, "I forgot to cancel my appointment at the Refreshing Royalty Spa."

"Why?" Julieta asked.

"Tomorrow was the day my wedding to Chotu was supposed to happen, so I scheduled appointments for me and my sister at the spa to get ready," Doretha explained. "But then in my depression over Chotu breaking up with me, I completely forgot to cancel."

"Who says you have to?" Victor asked. "Does this spa offer treatments for both women and men?"

"Sí, ¿por que?" Doretha asked.

"Why not take Guillermo with you?" Victor suggested.

Guillermo was somewhat surprised. "¿Yo?" he gasped.

"Maybe you should go, Doretha, and take Guillermo with you," Daniela said.

"Are you sure you don't mind someone going with me in your place?" Doretha asked.

"Claro que no," Daniela replied. "Besides, someone from the library called in with shingles, and I have to cover their shift anyway, and your VIP passes expire soon."

"Okay," Doretha said. "¿Que crees, Guillermo?"

"No sé," Guillermo replied.

"Go for it, Guillermo," Victor urged. "You're in a new country, and you need to be pampered for your first date with someone new. Besides, you could use a giggle anyway." He gently poked his brother's tummy, making him giggle.

"Okay, I'll do it," Guillermo chuckled. "Okay, what time is the appointment?"

"1:15," Doretha replied.

"Okay," Guillermo nodded.

Doretha unmuted her phone and said, "I'll be there. My sister can't make it, but I'm bringing someone else with me if that's okay. Okay, thanks." She hung up and said, "Okay, we're all set."

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