Should I Do This?

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Once Upon a Time... Orchid Bay, Kansas, lived a beautiful 19-year-old girl named Doretha Flores. She lived with her parents, Elena and Enrique, who owned an art store called Rainbow Palette, which she was expected to inherit. Her older sister, Daniela, had a job as a librarian, and she was married to a Venezuelan man named Felix, who was an elevator technician.

Doretha was a child prodigy, having started college at the age of 14, and she graduated about a year ago with an art degree and a teaching degree. When she graduated, her boyfriend, Chotu Winslow, dropped out to be with her, but Chotu kept that a secret from her. Sometime after that, he proposed to her. Elena, Enrique, and Daniela weren't too sure if Chotu was the best choice for a husband, but Doretha loved him, which was all that mattered. But there was a downside to Chotu that nobody knew yet.

It was June 2014, and in three weeks, Doretha and Chotu would get married. Doretha was excited to start a whole new chapter in her life while Chotu was more interested in having sons with her.

It was another typical day at Rainbow Palette, and Doretha was on the phone with Chotu, who was anxious for her to have a son.

"Patience, Chotu," Doretha said gently. "I know you want a son very badly, but I haven't even so much as experienced any signs of pregnancy. That was because I had food poisoning from eating medium rare meat. Well, you're right about that. I have to go back to work now. I have a class to teach. I'll call you later." She hung up her cell phone when her mother entered.

"Chotu again?" Elena guessed.

"Sí, that was the third time this week he asked me to see if I'm having a baby," Doretha frowned. "He's really anxious to be a father, and he's been trying to make it happen since he proposed. But I want to wait until after the wedding."

"There's more to marriage than just having kids," Elena said.

"Mamá, do you think I'm making the right decision to marry Chotu?" Doretha asked. "Should I go through with it?"

"That's up to you, mija," Elena said. "You can talk about it later. It's almost time for your painting class."

"Okay," Doretha said. She went off to teach her painting class. "Good morning, boys and girls."

"Good morning, Miss Dorie," the kids smiled.

"We're going to try something different today," Doretha said. "I've got uncolored clipart pictures of different flowers. I'll show each of you how to put a picture inside a projector and trace the picture onto a canvas."

Each student picked out a picture of a flower, and Doretha showed each of them how to work the projector and traced it onto a canvas. After that, the students started to paint their pictures.

"Miss Dorie, let me just say that I'm looking forward to your wedding," a redheaded girl smiled.

"I am, too," a blond boy chimed in.

"Oh, thank you," Doretha blushed. She'd invited her students to the wedding, and they were all excited to see it happen.

"I bet it'll be like in the Disney movies," a brown-haired boy gushed.

"Maybe not, but I'm sure it'll be special," Doretha smiled.

After a long day of work, it was 8pm, which was closing time. Doretha and her parents locked up the store just as Daniela and Felix came.

"Hola, familia," Daniela waved.

"Hola, Daniela, Felix," Doretha smiled.

"Hola," Felix smiled.

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